31745 records found
Part of a ketubba, written under the authority of Maṣliaḥ ha-Kohen (1127-1139 CE), in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Manassah (1100-1138 CE). (Information from CUDL)
Part of a ketubba, for Shemarya ha-Kohen (groom) and Sitt al-Bayt (bride). (Information from CUDL)
Ketubba fragment. Part of the trousseau is preserved. Total value: 281. (See Goitein's index card for further information.)
Part of a ketubba, with no details preserved. Ca. beginning of the 13th century. (Information from CUDL)
Part of a ketubba, with no details preserved. Various jottings are added between the lines of recto and on verso. Ca. 13th century. Contains a menstrual purity clause. (Information from CUDL.)
Autograph texts by Joseph Rosh ha-Seder b. Jacob. Recto: a draft relating to the copying of the Mishna and the Gemara. On the bottom of the page and written upside down in relation to the other text there is a, presumably draft, colophon stating that Joseph Rosh ha-Seder copied a Siddur of Saʿadya Gaʾon in 1201. Verso: opening lines of the Epistle of Rav Sherira Gaʾon with minor variations in wording. The text is entitled ‘Collected Benedictions of Rabbenu Sherira of blessed memory’ and begins with one line of verse, vocalised and decorated. (Information from CUDL)
Letter from the head of the Gola concerning the calendar. Describes his opinion about the need to shorten two months (to 29 days) and explains that the head of the Gola and the heads of the Yeshiva are going after the Gaon of Palestine and his decision in this matter. (Information from Gil, Kingdom. Vol. 2, #3) VMR
Awaiting description - see Goitein's index card.
Responsum concerning orphans, describing a loan from orphans that is taken orally without an oath, and a statement that orphans who are in debt because of a deceased parent should not have anything taken from them until they reach a mature age. (Information partly from Goitein's index cards) EMS and VMR. The scribe is familiar from Avraham Maimuni's period. AA
Legal document concerning the breaking off of an engagement agreement in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi.
Letter written on recto and verso, requesting something from the addressee and mentioning five dinars.
Legal document concerning claims of the wife of Abu al-Makarim b. Da’ud against him. The town of Minyat Zifta in Egypt and Muslim courts are mentioned. EMS
Recto: Letter in which the writer discusses a visit to the qadi and business matters; mentions Ibn Abu al-‘Aysh. Verso: Letter discussing business matters concerning perfumes, mentioning cassia, rose, almond, and oil. Ibn Abu al-‘Aysh and Abu al-Dajjaja are also referenced. (Information from Goitein's index cards) EMS
Legal document (validation/qiyyum). Fragmentary (right side only). In the hand of Avraham b. Natan Av. Concerning people such as: [...] b. [...] from Damsīs, Barakāt b. [...], [...] b. Berakhot, Yosef b. [...], [...] b. Ḥalfon ha-Ḥaver, [...] ha-Mumḥe, Avraham b. […], and Avraham b. Ḥal[fon]. (Information from Goitein's notes.) EMS (probably written by Avraham b. Nathan Av [Date: 1094-1115]) AA
Communal accounts, probably. In Arabic script, Judaeo-Arabic, and Greek/Coptic numerals. One of the Arabic entries is in the hand of Shelomo b. Yishay the Nasi, as he writes underneath. Dating: 13th century. (Information in part from CUDL.)
Recto: Letter in the hand of Moshe b. Levi ha-Levi, presumably from Qalyub to his father in Fustat. He had just been in Fustat, advocating for himself with the Nagid Sar Shalom (Abu Zikri) against the machinations of Ibn al-Taffal against him. He has now arrived safely in Qalyub, and he informed the community of what happened, and they rejoiced. Apparently Sar Shalom had given verbal confirmation that Moshe would be appointed (as muqaddam) but had not yet provided a letter of installment. Moshe now asks the recipient to go to Abu 'Ali, who is to go to Sar Shalom and get the letter. Moshe is also worried about what Bu l-Khayr told him, namely that his brother Abu Ishaq has been beating the wife of his paternal uncle. Verso: The response, probably from Abu Sahl Levi to his son Moshe. He informs him that no one has been beating anyone, there are simply wicked people who try to cause trouble between husband and wife. He confirms that he will try to get hold of the letter of appointment. He concludes, "As for Ibn al-Taffal, may God sort him." ASE.
Husband who intends to travel abroad allocates 20 dirhams per month, namely, five per week, for his wife, plus some wheat, the 20 dirhams to be used also for his capitation tax and from which she will pay rent and other household expenses, while he stipulates expressly not to lay claim on any earnings made by her through work and spinning. Fustat. Dated Tishri 1445/1133. (Information from Mediterranean Society, I, 127, 423)
Recto: Short note about a court settlement from Fustat. An uncle allows his nephew to pay him back a sum of 10 dinars in 20 installments, the latter giving as security a 1.5-share in a house belonging to him (out of 24) in case he fails to pay for two consecutive months. 1134 CE. (Written by Nathan Hakohen b. Shlomo. AA) Verso: Judaeo-Arabic discussion of Genesis 20 with Hebrew citations. (S. D. Goitein, Mediterranean Society, 2:594; Goitein's index cards; and CUDL) EMS
Instruction by Avraham Maimonides to a scribe to make out a declaration that the court of Fustat had acceded to a ban pronounced against Evyatar al-Kohen al-Amidi in another country.
Brief note from Abu l-Rida to Abu Zikri. The writer will send what belongs to Abu Zikri with the shaykh Abu Ali. Salutations on verso and address (in Arabic script) awaiting transcription.