31745 records found
Small vertical slip containing some words in Hebrew script.
Enigmatic fragment of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic describing what happened to the writer in front of the addressee's house; how people were appealing for help on account of the capitation tax; how the writer has lost 25 dirhams; and how there is 'ḥamas' in the country. Also, Abū l-Ḥasan has asked the writer for clay and/or bricks. Verso contains several crossed-out lines and the address in Arabic: to Fustat, to Manṣūr b. al-Ḥazzān (?) al-[. . .] from his brother Abū Saʿd.
Informal note addressed to a judge. In the hand of Hillel b. ʿEli (active 1066–1108). In Judaeo-Arabic. A woman came to Hillel with a bill of divorce (here called "baraʾa," release) supposedly written in the hand of the addressee, but he suspects that it is a forgery, because the addressee, the purported scribe, does not habitually date his documents with the Seleucid calendar. Furthermore, the verso of the bill of divorce does not contain the required statement that it was delivered to the woman. The addressee is asked to look into this (al-naẓar fīhā). The women's husband is missing (maʿdūm). (Information from Oded Zinger's forthcoming edition.)
Fragment of a late letter in Hebrew, likely ca. 16th century, mentioning sums in peraḥim.
Fragment of a letter, probably by the same Shelomo who wrote T-S 8J24.16. (It is unclear if this is Shelomo b. Eliyyahu—his letters do not have the very distinctive lameds found in these two letters.) He writes about Rabbenu Yosef b. Shimʿon; the writer's arrival 'in these parts'; and the Nagid, titled Rosh ha-Ḥasidim
Letter of condolence in Hebrew on a narrow strip of vellum. The writer mentions persecution by evildoers, which seems to be the reason that his / his community's letter of condolence has been so long delayed.
Letter from Aharon ha-Kohen b. ʿAmram (ZL), in ʿAkkā, to his son Shemarya b. Aharon, in Fustat. The son should not be content to study with his paternal uncle, but should study instead under Rabbenu. He should avoid evil occupations like drinking wine. The writer also sends condolences to Rabbenu. He hopes that the son will get a post (with the Nagid Mevorakh?). Dating: Late 11th century, because this Aharon signed T-S 28.4, l. 20, with Ṣemaḥ b. Yosef b. Ṣemaḥ (ZL), dated Tammuz 1100 (where he is quoted) and T-S 10J6.14 (which he also wrote). There are a couple very faded lines on verso. (Information in part from Goitein's index card.)
Recto: geṭ dated Nisan 1581 of the Seleucid era (= 1270 CE). The couple are ʿAzīz ha-Levi b. Ḡanāʾim and Muwaffaqīya bat Joseph ha-Levi from Fusṭāṭ. A space has been left for the husband’s home town, and the deed is unsigned. Verso: draft of a document in Judaeo-Arabic with many jottings. (Information from CUDL)
Recto: Beginning of a legal document. Location: Fustat. Dated: 6 Shevaṭ 156[7?] Seleucid, which is 1256 CE. (Might also be 1564 Seleucid = 1253 CE.) Drawn up under the authority of a leader with many titles including דגל הרבנים; this is presumably David b. Avraham Maimonides. One of the parties is Abū ʿAlā b. [...] and another is Amīn al-Dīn. (Information in part from CUDL)
Verso: Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic to someone addressed as Sayyidnā, reporting that on Friday, the 24th of Adar I, R. Shemarya al-Kohen went to the market and slaughtered, even after taking a vow that he would have nothing to do (?) with the 'matters of the Jews.' It seems he was encroaching on the rights of the legitimate muqaddam, who may have been ʿUbayd, 'who is recognized by the majority of the Gazans.' There is then an aside about how the Gazans are not very bright (?), and the Tiberians are also mentioned. Abū Kathīr Efrayim b. Meshullam suggested to the writer that he go to the Amir, who said, "you have infringed on the muqaddam who is in charge of you" (four lines from the bottom). The Kohen then defended himself, perhaps claiming that he did not violate his vow. Needs further examination. ASE.
Opening of a Hebrew letter.
Small fragment of a Judaeo-Arabic letter mentioning Mūsā b. Burhān, Faraḥ the writer's brother-in-law, Abū l-Faḍl, and someone titled Sayyidnā.
Small fragment in Hebrew, possibly from a letter.
Small fragment of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic addressed to al-Rayyis Abū l-Faḍl b. A[...]. Mentions al-thaghr al-maḥrūs and possibly Tyre.
Fragment of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic.
Letter from the French rabbi Shemuel b. Yaʿaqov. In Hebrew. Concerning communal controversy and bans of excommunication.
Fragment containing copies of two different legal documents. The second involves a loan from Abūl-Maʿālī to a certain Yeshaʿya.
Court record dealing with a dispute between Saʿadya and ʿEli ha-Levi over a sum of 8 dinars. It refers to the price of honey. (Information from CUDL)
Financial agreement (partnership?) between Daniel b. Eliyya and Yaʿaqov b. Avraham, dated 1512/13 CE ([5]273) and citing sums in peraḥim.