31745 records found
Mysterious fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. Perhaps a letter? The name Saʿīd is mentioned. Needs examination.
Legal document. Small fragment. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Mentions [...] b. ha-Talmid (ZL) and a sum of 20 dinars. There are the remnants of two words on verso.
Legal document. Very narrow vertical strip. The ends of nearly 30 lines are preserved. It involves [...] b. Shemuel and a house.
Ketubba fragment. The part preserved mainly consists of the dowry list.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. On vellum. Difficult to figure out what it's about. Includes the idiom "[I don't] have two wings" (to fly to you?). Mentions a woman who "remained with the Jew."
Legal fragment. The beginnings of ~15 lines are preserved. Mentions Shemarya ha-Zaqen.
Genealogical list. Mentions names such as Elʿazar, Yaḥyā, Yeshuʿa, and Nadiv.
Legal fragment, probably in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe.
Legal fragment in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Portions of 10 lines are preserved. Quite damaged.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: 11th or 12th century.The upper left corner is preserved, consisting mainly of formulaic content.
Legal fragment in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. The ends of about 15 lines are preserved.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic (FGP). Bottom part of a letter of condolence. The writer learned from Abu Salih that Rabbenu died. He regrets that he missed the shivah, but reports that he has prayed the tarhim (prayer for the deceased) over a Torah scroll and sends condolences to the family. ASE.
List of food items (mainly) and of names of persons. Interpretation uncertain.
Letter in Arabic script, it seems discussing financial matters and someone's absence. ASE
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic, asking for the addressee's help in sending something to the writer with the bearer. ASE
Prenuptial agreement of a previously divorced couple (a husband who re-accepts his divorcée). Eight lines survive on this fragment, probably in the hand of Natan b. Shemuel ha-Ḥaver (documents by him in the years 1128-1153). In the top of the fragment there is a dowry list followed by a list of conditions in Hebrew for future marriage. The husband reaccepts his previous wife, Baqiya. It is possible that this agreement was written to pacify the woman so that she will return to her husband. The conditions regarding his behavior suggest that his violent behavior towards her, or her mother, was the cause of their initial divorce. Lines 1-4 contain the dowry list, and are not transcribed.
Fragment of a letter from Isma’il b. Barhun al-Tahirti to Efrayim b. Shemarya, Fustat. After a disagreement that happened because of a business of selling indigo (it is not clear what the disagreement was about). The writer informs Efrayim, the judge and leader of the Jews in Fustat that Rav Hayya Gaon sent his answer and he supports the Tahirtis side. The writer writes his Hebrew name – Shemuel b. Rabbi Avraham. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 2, #124) VMR
List of names in Hebrew.
Epistles in Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic. Bifolium. This section includes the end of one letter, dated Tammuz 4867 AM (1107 CE), and the beginning of "his response to the city of Lucena, to its Rayyis Yehuda b. Yehuda."
Literary. Tafsīr on the Song of Songs. Verso: Also contains two lines in Arabic script, part or all of which is a name (Abū l-Riḍā. . . Abū l-Faḍl).