31745 records found
Deed of acknowledgment (iqrār). In Arabic script. The muqirr: Muḥammad [......]. Needs examination.
Kathismas (قاتسما). Christian liturgical divisions of the Psalter into daily readings ('for Wednesday and Friday'; 'for Thursday and Saturday') together with supplementary prayers. In Arabic script. Section divisions are marked by little crosses. Identification of the genre kindly provided by George Kiraz.
Writing exercises, probably, since all the rows per side contain the same words. In Arabic script.
Legal document (iqrār) in Arabic script. ʿAbd al-Raḥmān makes a declaration. Needs examination.
Quran. Bifolium from a codex. Containing part of Sūrat al-Maʿārij (70).
Document in Arabic script. Either a legal document or a letter. Needs examination.
Legal deed in Arabic script. Fragment: right side only. Looks like a deed of acknowledgment (iqrār). The muqirr: Shujāʿ al-Dawla Ṭalā'iʿ b. [???]. Needs examination.
Letter in Arabic script. Fragment: left side only. Reporting that the writer has sent 3 dinars and urging the rapid sending of something (a horse? looks like فرس, end of line 7).
Letter from Khiḍr and Sulaymān to their landlord. In Arabic script. Possibly informing him that they are moving out at the end of the month.
Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals.
Document in Arabic script. Probably legal. Needs examination.
Deed of acknowledgment (iqrār). In Arabic script. The muqirr: Muḥammad b. Jamīl (?) b. [...]. Needs examination.
Quran. Containing part of Sūrat al-Shuʿarā' (26:13).
Legal document in Arabic script. There are two fragments under this shelfmark, and it is not immediately clear whether they belong to the same document.
Prayer/invocation in Arabic script. This piece begins with Sūrat al-Nās and ends with Sūrat al-Fātiḥa (with some errors), then yā Allāh yā Muḥammad. In between there is a prayer (transcription kindly provided by Muhammed A. Sarhan):بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم اللهم بحق هذه الآيات الشريفة أن تنقي وتنفي عن أطياف النفس والجسدمن الناس والجن والشيطان الرجيم ياللهاللهم بحق هاذه الأسرار والقرآن أن ترفعالكفر والغير في النفس وتزكي باقيها ياللهيا حق يالله الحمد لله رب العالمين الرحمن الرحيم
Literary text in Arabic script. Part of contains an epistolary exchange written in verse, full of expressions of heartsickness and longing. The arrangement of the text on recto is interesting: there is a horizontal crease in the middle and the text blocks on either side of the crease are oriented downward, at 180 degrees to each other.
Document in Arabic script. Probably a letter. Recto and verso have different formats and probably different hands.
Legal testimony in Arabic script. Needs examination.
Letter from Muḥammad and Ḥammād(?). In Arabic script. In which they report that they have met with Abū Makhlūf according to the addressee's wishes, and Abū Makhlūf said something about the town of Bahnasā' and the governor (wālī). Needs further examination.
Legal document in Arabic script. Involving [...]ūn b. Asʿad al-Naṣrānī al-ʿAṣṣār and [...] b. ʿAbdallāh b. ʿAbd al-ʿAẓīm. Needs further examination.