31745 records found
Letter – 1933CE – Museum of Islamic Art – (number 20) – in Italian. (information from Ḥassanein Muḥammad Rabīʿa, ed., Dalīl Wathā'iq al-Janīza al-Jadīda / Catalogue of the Documents of the New Geniza, 59). MCD.
Announcement for the Day of Geniza on which old prayerbooks unfit for repair will be transferred to the cave in the Bassatine and the process will take place at 8:30am from the Ustāḏ Synagogue in the Jewish Quarter after the "Shahrit" [morning] prayer – Sunday 18 December 1949CE / 27 Kislev 5710AM – Museum of Islamic Art – (number 200) in Arabic. (information from Ḥassanein Muḥammad Rabīʿa, ed., Dalīl Wathā'iq al-Janīza al-Jadīda / Catalogue of the Documents of the New Geniza, 43). An original scan of this announcement is available in Al-Janiza wa-l-maʿābid al-Yahūdiyya fī Miṣr (p. 200). MCD.
Ruling in absentia against the blacksmith Jawhar Maḥmūd of al-Sakākīnī Street where he runs a blacksmith workshop without a permit and he is fined 50 pounds and to be shut down – August 24 1934CE – Museum of Islamic Art – (number 201) – in Arabic. (information from Ḥassanein Muḥammad Rabīʿa, ed., Dalīl Wathā'iq al-Janīza al-Jadīda / Catalogue of the Documents of the New Geniza, 65). MCD.
Literary monologue given by Sholem Aleichem himself on traveling for mandatory conscription, and on a the lonely son and the world's almighty god – undated – Museum of Islamic Art – (number 202) – in Yiddish. (information from Ḥassanein Muḥammad Rabīʿa, ed., Dalīl Wathā'iq al-Janīza al-Jadīda / Catalogue of the Documents of the New Geniza, 49). MCD.
Receipt from the association of the Ashkenazi Jews in Cairo – December 3 1950CE – Museum of Islamic Art – (number 202) – in French and to the margin Arabic and Hebrew. (information from Ḥassanein Muḥammad Rabīʿa, ed., Dalīl Wathā'iq al-Janīza al-Jadīda / Catalogue of the Documents of the New Geniza, 66). MCD.
Ketubbah – undated – Museum of Islamic Art – (number 203) – in Hebrew and Aramaic. (information from Ḥassanein Muḥammad Rabīʿa, ed., Dalīl Wathā'iq al-Janīza al-Jadīda / Catalogue of the Documents of the New Geniza, 55). MCD.
Letter in which one Jew is reporting to another about receiving Italian citizenship – 24 November 1913CE – (number 204) – in Arabic. (information from Ḥassanein Muḥammad Rabīʿa, ed., Dalīl Wathā'iq al-Janīza al-Jadīda / Catalogue of the Documents of the New Geniza, 59). MCD.
Invitation from the Keter Torah association for the tefillin ceremony of Elijah for ten of the students – undated – Museum of Islamic Art – (number 205) in Arabic. (information from Ḥassanein Muḥammad Rabīʿa, ed., Dalīl Wathā'iq al-Janīza al-Jadīda / Catalogue of the Documents of the New Geniza, 32). MCD.
Contract of a marriage agreement (shiddukhin) – undated – Museum of Islamic Art – (number 206) – in Arabic. (information from Ḥassanein Muḥammad Rabīʿa, ed., Dalīl Wathā'iq al-Janīza al-Jadīda / Catalogue of the Documents of the New Geniza, 66). MCD.
Announcement from the Or Ḥadashi association addressing a friend in Jerusalem to participate in the commemoration of the day of "outbreak of hardship on Shabbat" and the services that are required for it and desired for particiption – 1938CE – Bassatine Cemetery – Museum of Islamic Art – (number 207) – in Hebrew. (information from Ḥassanein Muḥammad Rabīʿa, ed., Dalīl Wathā'iq al-Janīza al-Jadīda / Catalogue of the Documents of the New Geniza, 39). MCD.
Letter from the lawyer Muḥammad Ḥasan al-Nūbī to Kẖawaja Sālamūn Melūl requesting payment that was the amount of the court and its total is 240 qirsh cash – February 24 1925CE – Museum of Islamic Art – (number 208) – in Arabic. (information from Ḥassanein Muḥammad Rabīʿa, ed., Dalīl Wathā'iq al-Janīza al-Jadīda / Catalogue of the Documents of the New Geniza, 65). MCD.
Letter from the Grand Rabbinate of Cairo to Kẖawaja Nesīr Bēsaḥ president of the Heliopolis synagogue (Maṣr al-Jadīda) regarding the person known as Levi ʿArūsa, who dares to slaughter poultry despite that he does not have the requisite method for slaughter – Museum of Islamic Art – (number 209) – in Arabic and Hebrew. (information from Ḥassanein Muḥammad Rabīʿa, ed., Dalīl Wathā'iq al-Janīza al-Jadīda / Catalogue of the Documents of the New Geniza, 38). This may be a reference to the Vitali Madjar Synagogue in Heliopolis whose construction was completed in 1924. MCD.
Announcement from the Grand Rabbinate of Cairo on the reception of certain individuals that are returning in accordance with law that everyone be brothers to them after they paid their debt and showed their regret to the community, and the non-acceptance of some of the others – Bassatine Cemetery – Museum of Islamic Art – (number 21) – in Arabic. (information from Ḥassanein Muḥammad Rabīʿa, ed., Dalīl Wathā'iq al-Janīza al-Jadīda / Catalogue of the Documents of the New Geniza, 52). MCD.
Letter sent from Barūkh Rafūl Serūr to his father updating him on the circumstances of the family – 17 Tishrīn al-ʾAwwal 1929CE – (number 21) – in Arabic. (information from Ḥassanein Muḥammad Rabīʿa, ed., Dalīl Wathā'iq al-Janīza al-Jadīda / Catalogue of the Documents of the New Geniza, 57). MCD.
Invitation from the administration of the Tāj Torah society for attending a special celebration of the reform of traditional religious Jewish learning – undated – it is known that the society was founded in 1910CE – (number 210) – in Hebrew. (information from Ḥassanein Muḥammad Rabīʿa, ed., Dalīl Wathā'iq al-Janīza al-Jadīda / Catalogue of the Documents of the New Geniza, 34). MCD.
Invitation from the association "ha-Fāmt Keter Torah" for the 7th of Adar for the commemoration of the death of Moses peace be upon him – 1928CE – Bassatine Cemetery – Museum of Islamic Art – (number 210) – in Hebrew. (information from Ḥassanein Muḥammad Rabīʿa, ed., Dalīl Wathā'iq al-Janīza al-Jadīda / Catalogue of the Documents of the New Geniza, 45). MCD.
Bill of exchange in the amount of 120 qirsh owed to Kẖawaja Mūsa Abū Hārūn – 25 October 1915CE – Museum of Islamic Art – (number 211) – in Arabic. (information from Ḥassanein Muḥammad Rabīʿa, ed., Dalīl Wathā'iq al-Janīza al-Jadīda / Catalogue of the Documents of the New Geniza, 68). This is likely the same man Kẖawaja Mūsa Abū Hārūn named in MIAC 223. MCD.
Personal letter from Jerusalem to Cairo – 28 May 1930 – Museum of Islamic Art – (number 212) in Judeo-Arabic. (information from Ḥassanein Muḥammad Rabīʿa, ed., Dalīl Wathā'iq al-Janīza al-Jadīda / Catalogue of the Documents of the New Geniza, 50). MCD.
Letter from the Babylonian community of Jerusalem to Isḥak Mordechai tasked with recovering "Ya'ir Nērū" in Egypt – June 26 1930CE – Bassatine Cemetery – Museum of Islamic Art – (number 212) – in Judeo-Arabic. (information from Ḥassanein Muḥammad Rabīʿa, ed., Dalīl Wathā'iq al-Janīza al-Jadīda / Catalogue of the Documents of the New Geniza, 45). MCD.
Appeal in which Elli Mosseri seeks reconciliation with his wife and the cancellation of the court ruling for the payment of a monthly amount of one hundred qirsh – 23 August 1939CE – (number 213) – in Arabic. (information from Ḥassanein Muḥammad Rabīʿa, ed., Dalīl Wathā'iq al-Janīza al-Jadīda / Catalogue of the Documents of the New Geniza, 52). MCD.