31745 records found
Piyyut or liturgy.
Literary, Hebrew.
Legal query in the hand of Berakhot b. Shemuel addressed to the judge Shelomo ha-Talmid, aka Shelomo b. Natan ha-Levi. With his autograph response. Also signed by ʿAmram b. Ḥalfon ha-Levi, a second judge. The same two witnesses also signed T-S 16.200 (dated 1225 CE). In Judaeo-Arabic. This query is divided into three sub-queries. #1 concerns a marital dispute between 'Reuven' and his second wife. Reuven went to the Muslim courts and mortgaged his wife's half-dār, worth 6 dinars, against a loan of 8 dinars. For some reason, they were forced to purchase the other half of the dār. When he died, he willed the new half to his children from his first wife (also in the Muslim courts). Should the debt be repaid from the half-dār belonging to the wife or belonging to the children? The answer: Nothing may be repaid from the property of the widow. There are two additional sub-queries on verso. The same case is probably described in T-S 8J14.3 and several other fragments: see Friedman's article for complete discussion
A legal ruling concerning a 'chained' wife (ʿaguna). Published by Glick, Seride Teshuvot: A Descriptive Catalogue of Responsa. Fragments from the Jacques Mosseri Collection at CUL, p. 386-391.
An opening of a legal query sent to Yehiel b. Elyaqim (Date: 1213-1238). Published by Glick, Seride Teshuvot: A Descriptive Catalogue of Responsa. Fragments from the Jacques Mosseri Collection at CUL, 322-323
List of seliḥot.
9 queries sent from Yemen to Yehoshuaʿ ha-Nagid (d. 1355) regarding Maimonides' Mishne Torah. Published Glick, Seride Teshuvot: A Descriptive Catalogue of Responsa. Fragments from the Jacques Mosseri Collection at CUL, 324-327.
A legal quey sent to 'The sages of Israel' (a term usually found at the era of Abraham Maimuni), concerning whether a woman who left her ketubah elsewhere is deserving a new one. Published Glick, Seride Teshuvot: A Descriptive Catalogue of Responsa. Fragments from the Jacques Mosseri Collection at CUL, 353-354
Liturgical. Mentions "Maḥzor Yannai" at least twice.
Accounts- needs examination. Image not available.
A court record concerning a prozbol ( A write technically changed the status of individual private loans into the public administration, allowing the poor to receive interest-free loans before the Sabbatical year while protecting the investments of the lenders)- needs examination. Image not available
Dowry list and the beginning of a pre nuptial agreement - needs examination. Image not available?
A draft of a question concerning a person who bought rights of a house. Upon the seller's death, his widiw claimed the valyue of the ketubah from the homestead. The buyer argues that he compensated her for the value of the ketubah but he lost the deed. He also argued that the house did not belong to her husband but to her father-in-law. Published by Glick, Seride Teshuvot: A Descriptive Catalogue of Responsa Fragments from the Jacques Mosseri Collection at CUL, p. 393-397.
Probably from a community ledger - needs examination. Image not available
Account for the export of flax to Sicily. Around 1035. Also mentions camphor, textile, as well as details about payments. It seems like it is mainly deals with people in Tripoli, Libya. T-S J1.54, CUL Or.1080 J291, BL OR5554A.53-54r (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 2, #136) VMR
Account for the export of flax to Sicily. Around 1035. Also mentions camphor, textile, as well as details about payments. It seems like it is mainly deals with people in Tripoli, Libya. See Mosseri VIII,476.1. T-S J1.54, CUL Or.1080 J291, BL OR5554A.53-54r (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 2, #136) VMR
Halachic text. Image not available.
Small fragment. Image not available.
Criticism on those who give to much charity. Image not available.
Regarding selling of a slave girl. Image not available.