31745 records found
Marriage contract from the year 1301 A.D., under the authority of Avraham Nagid. Bridegroom: Jephthah b. Avraham.
Letter in Arabic per FGP - needs examination. Image not available
Business letter in Arabic script in which a father reports to his son on events in Alexandria and the arrival of the aṣḥāb, about which he's very excited. Reports as well on acquisition of dyed flax or linen and other textiles, and says there's no need to go to Palermo. (Information from Aodeh)
A letter containing a dirge addressed to Mevorakh (b. Saadya) the Nagid - needs examination. Image not available
A draft of a legal claim issued by Avraham b. Hayyim to the Jewish court in Cairo against his partner, whose name is not mentioned, regarding a debt owed by him in a transaction involving export of a rubin gemstone. This kind of stone was manufactured in the far east and was in a very high demand in Europe. 3 persons were involved in this partnership - the writer, the defendant and a person addressed as Itstafnin. Published by Avraham David in Ginzey Qedem 16. See image there. (Data from A. David publication). AA
A letter to Halfon (Khalaf) b. Menasse from his brother, Yefet. Image not available (data by Oded Zinger FGP)
Letter to Masliah ha-Kohen Gaon from a woman, the daughter of Abraham the cantor and the wife of Abu 'l-Ma`ali Khalaf b. Harun, describing her husband's mistreatment of her and petitioning the Gaon to look into her plight. Image not available (Data from FGP)
A private letter mentioning Abu Nasr b. Ya'aqov- needs examination. Image not available?
Letter from Salama b. Nissim b. Ishaq al-Barki, from Busir, to Barhun b. Salih ha-Thirti. Around 1053. The letter contains a list of flax Salama bought, arranged by the names of the growers, quantity, and the price that he paid. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 4, #642) VMR
Magical text in Judaeo-Arabic.
Magical text in Hebrew script.
Magical text in Hebrew script.
Amulet for the boy Shabbetay Refa'el Ḥayyim b. Simḥa. In Hebrew. Probably late.
Magical text in Hebrew.
Responsa on the writing of legal documents and forbidden wine (יין נסך). (Information from CUDL)
Magical text in Hebrew script.
Magical text in Hebrew script.
Kabbalistic medallion containing the names of the sefirot.
Kabbalistic amulet.
A responsum dealing with partnerships. (Information from CUDL)