31745 records found
Fragment of a letter from Efrayim b. Shemarya, around 1030. Writes about the events in Mount of olives, and some words about the ban on the Karaites and the authorities' response, that is known from Shelomo b. Yehuda's letters. (Information from Gil, Palestine, vol. 2 pp. 598-599, #327). VMR There is Efrayim b. Shemarya's Arabic hand in the margin and dispersed throughout the letter.
Letter from the Jewish community of [Minyat] al-Qā'id (?) to a certain Abū Isḥāq (?). In Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic. Fragment only.
Letter in Hebrew. Small fragment.
Letter in Hebrew, possibly begging for charity. Probably late. Needs examination.
Beginning of a petition from the wife of Abū ʿAlī al-Sukkarī to an unidentified ḥaver. In Judaeo-Arabic. Written in a crude hand. She says that she is a sick woman and presumably goes on to ask for help, but the continuation is lost. In the upper margin, there is a jotting in Arabic script (a basmala?) and a copy of the first words of the letter, in a different hand and ink. Verso contains a Hebrew blessing. (Information in part from CUDL.)
Letter in Hebrew with wide space between the lines. Fragment.
Letter from someone calling himself Ra's al-Kull (in the address) to somebody in Fustat. In Judaeo-Arabic. Fragment. Needs examination.
Small fragment of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Only the opening greetings are preserved. (Information in part from CUDL)
Letter in Ladino. Fragment from the end of the letter. Mentions Damietta, and includes well wishes for numerous contacts and family members.
Letter from Yefet b. Menashshe to his brother or brothers. In Judaeo-Arabic. Fragment (upper right corner of recto). He complains about separation and neglect. (Information in part from CUDL)
Business letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Fragment. Mentions Abū l-Faraj Yeshuʿa b. Yaʿaqov.
Letter in Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic to Wuhayb b. Avraham and Saʿīd b. [...]. Fragment.
Tiny fragment containing an order for an ounce of ʿaqīd (a dense sugar syrup). In Judaeo-Arabic. From Abū Zikrī Kohen? There is also some text in Arabic script.
Letter of recommendation for charity. In Judaeo-Arabic. The writer asks the addressee to arrange a collection (jibāya) to raise funds for the letter-bearer, the cantor Elʿazar b. Yoshiyya. The congregation should also solicit from people who are absent from the synagogue. Ends with the motto "Yeshuʿa."
Legal testimony. Fragment. In Judaeo-Arabic. Involves a certain Manṣūr. There are pen trials in Hebrew and Arabic on verso.
Torn fragments from a court record regarding claim of inheritance of 31 dinars, between Ḥasūna and Manṣūr b. Efrayim her uncle. It seems that one of the parties went to Gentile court regarding this claim. The letters are quite strange looking. Join: Oded Zinger. AA
Opening of a legal document, written in Fusṭāṭ in the year 4[...] of the Creation. It mentions David ha-Nasi ha-Gadol [b.] Daniel ha-Nasi ha-Gadol. (Information from CUDL)
End of a legal document concerning the sale of flax, signed by Ḥayya b. Isaac and Isaac b. Moses. (Information from CUDL)
Recto: part of a letter. Verso: a long list of names, in a different hand, among them Abū l-Faraj, Yeshuʿa b. Joseph, ʿEli b. Shemarya, and Shemarya and Ṣedaqa the sons of Ṣadoq. (Information from CUDL)
Letter from Peraḥya b. Yosef Yijū to Saadya b. Avraham Ibn al-Amshāṭī. Fragment. Dating: ca. 1160s. Same writer and addressee: Moss. VII,152.1, ENA 4020.1, ENA 4011.32. He expresses hope that someone will make a complete convalescence (yanqah naqah kullī) and asks the addressee to send a letter on his behalf to the son of the faqīh Manṣūr, it seems to ask for a prescription.