31745 records found
Deed of sale. In Arabic script. Dated, but the date is tricky to read.
Prayer in Arabic script. Probably Islamic. Quite elaborate. Rudimentary handwriting.
Letter (al-mamlūk yuqabbil al-arḍ) that consists of a short introduction and then ~8 lines of accounts. In Arabic script.
Legal document in Arabic script.
Awaiting description
Awaiting description
Awaiting description
There are multiple fragments under this shelfmark; some of them are joins. All are in Arabic script.
Awaiting description
There are multiple fragments under this shelfmark. All are in Arabic script.
There are multiple fragments under this shelfmark. All are in Arabic script.
There are multiple fragments under this shelfmark. All (but one) are in Arabic script.
Upper right fragment: Legal document in Arabic script. Mentions the date 'the end of Ramaḍān [.]65 AH,' but the year is not clear. Needs further examination. There are three more unrelated documents in Arabic script under the same shelfmark; all need examination.
Upper left fragment: Letter in Arabic script. Mentions ḍamān al-jawālī (capitation tax farming), a location (wa-huwa muqīm bi-???), and a mawlā named ʿIzz al-Dīn.
Letter from Fāṭima to her 'sister' al-Ḥājja Umm al-Barakāt. In Arabic script. Opens with greetings to Abū l-Faḍl and Nāṣir al-Dīn and his children, then Umm al-Barakāt and [Sitt al-]Jamīʿ and her children and another woman and everybody in the house. The body of the message mentions the arrival of Muḥammad al-Asyūṭī. Someone appears to have been killed by Bedouins (ʿurbān). The rest requires further examination.
There are multiple fragments under this shelfmark. All are in Arabic script.
There are multiple fragments under this shelfmark. All are in Arabic script.
Awaiting description. Image not available?
Prayer or magical fragment in Arabic script. Invokes Muḥammad and then has a string of magical characters. The lower fragment looks literary.
There are multiple fragments under this shelfmark. All are in Arabic script. All may be literary.