31745 records found
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Mentioning Abū l-Surrī.
Marriage contract. Five lines from the middle are preserved.
Marriage contract. The groom may be the son of Avraham ha-Zaqen. There is one line of a dowry list. On verso there is a note mentioning 'the Geonim' and Barukh ha-Rav (ZL) and Rabbenu Yiṣḥaq ha-Rav (ZL).
Dirge by Avraham Ibn Yiju on Madmun b. Ḥasan's death. Yemen, 1151.
Hebrew poetry or biblical text.
State document, unidentified genre. The beginnings of six lines are preserved. Dating: mentions the year 421 AH, corresponding to 1030 CE. Possibly a record of the issuing of different decrees? Refers once to a tawqīʿ and later to "al-tawqīʿ al-muʿaẓẓam al-muʾarrakh bi-[...]" (the mighty decree/rescript that is dated [...]). On verso there are Hebrew seliḥot.
Letter, possibly official, relating to mosques and construction projects and donations. Mentions specifically the tiles of the mosque. Also "the properties of the government in [...].". Reused in the margin of recto and on verso for piyyut.
Document in Arabic script. The name al-Mu'ayyad fī l-Dīn may appear. Also: "Inform me who. . . in the neighborhood. . . or if he is in the house."
Informal notes (or formularies?) in Judaeo-Arabic (labeled א and ב). Needs examination.
Recto: Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. The unknown writer seems to be describing the piyyut he wrote on verso (murattab ʿalā ʿalāmāt), mentions the Muslims and Jews, and asks the addressee to pass the piyyut on to somebody who [can correct?] the ʿalāmāt(?). Needs examination.
Awaiting description
Awaiting description
Awaiting description
Literary work in Aramaic, probably. Very faded.
List of parashot - needs examination. Image not available
On verso an Arabic document - needs examination. Image not available
Opening of a letter to David Hanagid - needs examination. Image not available
List of piyyutim, probably.
List having to do with seliḥot.