31745 records found
Magical text in Judaeo-Arabic.
Amulet in Aramaic.
Amulet in Hebrew.
Pen trials in Hebrew and Arabic script.
A page containing a bill of loyalty from the book of Legal deeds by Hayya Gaon. Published by אסף, מספרות הגאונים, עמ' 40-41. Image not available
Responsum written in the hand of Efrayim b. Shemarya. (Information from CUDL)
Magical text in Hebrew script. Probably late.
Pen trials in Hebrew script
Laws concerning the writings of legal deeds. Image not available
Magical text in Hebrew.
Magical recipes in Hebrew, including for sleep and for headache (shaqīqa).
List of Mishna tractates and chapters, together with pen exercises. (Information from CUDL)
fragment of a letter - needs examination. Image not available
Legal discussion on the collection of the ketubah money - needs examination. Image not available
On the collection of the ketubah - needs examination. Image not available
Discussion on the use of the Era of Documents - needs examination. Image not available
Responsum dealing with the collection of debts, the marriage contract and dowry. (Information from CUDL)
Amulet in calligraphic Hebrew for Eliyyahu b. Esther.
Magical text in Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic. Mentions dream reading.
Amulet for Ḥana bt. Rivqa. In Aramaic and Hebrew. Probably late. Against the evil eye and other bad things.