31745 records found
Legal document? - needs examination. No image
Documentary per FGP - needs examination. Apparently a letter in Ladino, per FGP.
Liturgy and blessing as an opening for a book list - needs examination. No image
Business letter in Arabic script from Nissim b. Mufarraj b. Kulayf to al-rayyis Abū l-Faḍl Hārūn.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Late. Uses the unit of measurement قدح (=keddah). Headed "raṣd al-aṭʿām," perhaps meaning the balancing of the accounts of food.
Marriage document. Small fragment. Mentions [...] ha-Levi b. Yeshuʿa al-Rayyis and [...] ʿAmram known as Ibn Ḥarīra. The delayed marriage payment is 40 dinars. On verso there is a separate document in Arabic script.
Legal testimony. Involving Khalaf b. Yaʿaqov and Qaljūrī b. Makhlū, as well as a certain Ṭayyib. Scribed and signed by Shelomo b. Meir. Also signed by Avraham b. David. Needs examination.
Letter to Yehuda b. Elya to Egypt (FGP). Image not available.
Children's exercises (FGP). Beautiful colored-in letters.
Prenuptial agreement. In Judaeo-Arabic. In the hand of Natan b. Shemuel ha-Ḥaver (dated documents 1128–53 CE). This document begins with a dowry list. Groom: Yeshuʿa b. Shabbat. Bride: Baqiyya bt. Avraham, who is the divorcee of the groom. The groom commits to supporting his mother-in-law. She will live in the same house as the couple, and he cannot insult her, or hit her, or disrespect her, or act domineering. There is unrelated text on verso, including titles for Elʿazar ha-Sar b. Shelomo ha-Kohen (ZL).
Literary texts. Possibly a Maimonides autograph. See FGP for identifications.
A legal query to Maimonides written by Yosef b. Shmuel b. Sa'adya and Maomonides autographed reply. Published in Maimonides Responsa (Blau) no. 273. The query is dealing with a circumciser who use to perform circumcission in the vilages. He had a quarell with another person, a physician, who use to perform circumcission in order to harm the circumciser's livelihood. Maimonides eulrd that the physician act wrongly. AA
Legal document. Bill of attorney, written by Yosef b. Shemuʾel Halevi and approved by Maimonides, in his own hand. Published: מע"פ פרידמן, ר' משה בן מימון בתעודות משפטיות מן הגניזה, שנתון המשפט העברי, יד-טו (תשמח-תשמט), עמ' 180-181. Names mentioned: סלימאן, מוסי, אבו אלמנגא, מחאסן Signed by: Shemuʾel b. Saadya Halevi (the scribe's father), Shemuʾel b. Yosef, Moshe Hakohen b. Mordechai Judeo-Arabic, Hebrew and Aramaic. AA
Recto: Letter fragment, probably addressed to Moshe Maimonides. In Judaeo-Arabic. Reporting on the arrival of Abū l-Mufaḍḍal and mentioning a letter to Abū l-Fakhr al-Ṣayrafī b. Saʿīd. Possibly mentioning the capitation tax (jizya) of someone's father. Verso: Letter from Moshe Maimonides. Autograph. Giving instructions to a certain judge to go to the dyehouse (maṭbakh, maṣbagh) where Abū Isḥāq works and confirm the value of its rent. Information in part from Friedman, Dictionary, p. 723.
Letter from Moshe Maimonides to Abū l-Munā. Autograph. In Judaeo-Arabic. Abū l-Munā is asked to convey Moshe's gratitude to Najm [al]-Dīn on account of the benefaction he bestowed by helping a certain prisoner. Moshe cannot come in person to thank him.
Responsum by Moshe Maimonides. A copy. The responsum corresponds to #355 in Blau's edition ("I am very troubled by various matters, and my body is week, and I have no ability to even read the letters, let alone respond to them..."). Another copy of the same responsum may be found in ENA 2743.3. (Information from Amir Ashur via FGP)
Letter by Moshe Maimonides. A copy. Following the responsum, there is a copy of Maimonides' letter to Pineḥas ha-Dayyan of Alexandria. (Information from Amir Ashur via FGP)
Document in Arabic script. Needs examination.
Legal document. Dated: Av 4959 AM, which is 1199 CE. Location: Probably Alexandria, where legal documents in this period tend to be dated according to the anno mundi calendar as opposed to the Seleucid calendar used in Fustat and the other towns of Egypt. Concerns Sitt al-Gharb bt. Yehuda, the divorcee of Abū Naṣr Elʿazar ha-Kohen b. Shelomo al-Ṣayrafī al-Miṣrī. Friedman has synthesized her story based on (a) T-S 8.239 + Bodl. MS heb. a 3/36 (her ketubba, drawn up in Qūṣ); (b) T-S NS J455 (a court record from Aleppo, 1189 CE, in which Abū Naṣr agrees to send her a bill of divorce with the agent Avraham ha-Talmid b. Ḥananel); (c) Moss. VII,75 (that very bill of divorce, which reached its destination); and (d) MS 8254, fol. 15, the present document. Sitt al-Gharb has remarried. Her new husband, Abū l-Ḥasan b. Ibrāhīm, wishes to do business with the half-house that belongs to Sitt al-Gharb. Apparently she was not in agreement. This document certifies that the husband should be prohibited from doing anything with her property until an order arrives from Maimonides. Maimonides is titled "Rayyis" in this document, as he had returned to the post of the Head of the Jews by this date (though 'rayyis' is also sometimes used for any respected physician or dignitary). Information from Friedman's 1988 article, pp. 181–85.
Letter addressed to Moshe Maimonides. In Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic. NB: The identifications and bibliography on FGP (an autograph responsum of Avraham Maimonides) actually refer to MS 8254, fol. 17.