31745 records found
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Letter from Avraham ha-Levi, in Damietta (קפוטקיא), to Karo y Frances & Company, in Cairo/Fustat. Mainly in Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: Tuesday, 25 Ḥeshvan 5569 AM, which is 1808 CE. Mentions people such as ʿUmar Serada(?), Ḥasan Abū l-Faḍl, Aḥmad Shaltūt, Yisrael ha-Levi, Saʿd Pinto, Avraham ha-Levi Skandari, and Avraham Maymūn. Also mentions 4 French ships.
Legal document dated 1760 CE (Tammuz 5520).
Recto: Part of a Judaeo-Arabic letter, one of the few in this folder from the classical Genizah period. All that remains is a formulaic, very respectful opening, and good wishes for the holidays. Verso: piyyutim in a different hand.
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic, from David b. Na'im to his brother Moshe b. Na'im. Same writer as in AIU VII.E.26.
Probably from Toldot Yeshu.
Letter from Sadaqa b. Nufay', Tyre, to his father Shelomo b. Saadya, Fustat, October 1090.
Respectful greeting card to Maymun b. David. At the bottom are named Abu l-Husayn and Shemuel ha-Shelishi ba-Havurah, who lived ca. 1000 CE and may have written this note. ASE.
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic.
A table of calendrical/astronomical calculations.
Mystical poetry in Judaeo-Arabic ("shughl ilāhī").
Greek or Coptic. Needs examination.
Legal queries addressed to Avraham Maimonides, probably in the hand of Moshe b. Levi ha-Levi.
Judaeo-Arabic jottings of unclear significance.
Fragment of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Excerpts: "... and when he moved on in the lifetime of my father M[oshe(?)] Sanhedra Rabba, bless his saintly memory, his son assumed the judgeship... and opened for himself an academy (midrash) for teaching the Law (ʿulūm al-sharīʿa) in place of his father, and the judges who rose in the lifetime of the gr[eat?] rabbi, such as Rabbenu Yeḥezqel... and Yehuda ha-Neʾeman..." (Information in part from Friedman, Dictionary, p. 143.)
Bottom of a much-decayed legal document, probably 11th century, featuring the names Sar Shalom b. Avraham and David b. Nasi, both signatures girdled with tiny letters. ASE.
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A guide to uppercase and lowercase symbols corresponding to Hebrew letters (or numbers). Unclear what language... Coptic numerals? Needs examination.