31745 records found
Fragment of a business letter in Judaeo-Arabic.
Fragment of a letter in Hebrew addressing 'the elders.'
Small fragment containing Judaeo-Arabic poetry; see joins for more substantial poems written by the same scribe.
Fragments from a letter, probably an 11th-century mercantile letter.
Letter of appeal in Hebrew, probably 14th century or later, including lengthy praises for the addressee and then a request to help with the [poll?] tax, as the writer and his family are unable to leave the house.
Fragment from a letter of appeal in which the writer alludes to news 'that made my chest constrict and the world collapse on me.' He intends to travel in the Rīf in search of a living, but he does not even have the money to rent a pack animal. He asks the addressee for a loan of three dirhams to rent an animal, and perhaps a little more for provisions.
Fragment from the opening of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic. On this fragment there are mainly holiday greetings, but the Hebrew opening suggests that the writer is in some distress and preparing to ask for help. Chances of a join seem high.
Very short note from Elʿazar to R. Yosef: "I need the silver very much, please send it with the bearer." Verso has a few letters in Hebrew, probably pen trials.
Short, faded note to 'al-melammed' telling the addressee to take a 'dast' (a certain quantity) from 'this paper,' for the writer is without employment.
Small slip of paper containing the words al-mamlūk al-aṣghar wa-l-muḥibb al-akram.
Small fragment, probably from a legal document, mentioning Sanīy al-Dawla. Someone of the same title is mentioned in several other mid-12-century documents. For instance, Frenkel identifies the Abū l-Makārim mentioned by Abū Naṣr b. Avraham in T-S 12.290 as אבו אלמכארם סני אלדולה משה בן יפת הלוי. The present document may also be in the hand of Abū Naṣr.
Short note from Shelomo b. Eliyyahu, ordering a medicinal syrup (sharāb) from al-Shaykh al-Nafīs.
Testimony stating that Abu al-Fadl al-Sayrafi Masliah b. Meshullam informed Nahray b. Nissim that his wife had vacated the room on the floor (tabaqa) belonging to Shemuel b. al-Kohen, Nahray's in-law. Dated Iyyar-Sivan 1407/ 29 April 1096 - 27 May 1096, in Fustat. (Information from Goitein's index cards)
Fragment from the end of a legal document, signed by Avraham ha-Levi b. Moshe ha-Levi and Ṣedaqa b. Yeshuʿa (?).
Legal document. In Hebrew. Location: Fustat/Cairo. Dated: Monday, 26 Ḥeshvan 5342 AM, which is 1581 CE. In which Budayrī acknowledges that he owes ʿAlāʾ al-Dīn al-Ḥimṣī a debt of 12 gold Venetian ducats (peraḥim), which he will repay within 2 months. Signed by Yosef b. Meir Somekh ha-Kohen alongside another elaborate signature. Verso contains confirmation of receipt (of only 6 ducats?), written transversely in relation to recto. The note on verso is dated: first decade of Nisan 5342 AM (so well beyond the two month repayment that was agreed upon). (Information in part from CUDL.)
Fragment of a legal document mentioning a divorce and Mawlāy al-Nezer.
A family letter written by Meir b. Hillel b. Sadoq to his three brothers. He objects to the marriage of Abu al-Mufadal, one of his brothers, and he urges this brother to devote more effort to his religious studies.
Fragment of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic, very faded. The writer sends regards to his father and paternal uncle.
Interesting letter in calligraphic Judaeo-Arabic, probably 15th century or later, full of creative spellings, probably from someone whose mother tongue was not Arabic. The writer is probably Yosef פלקון (line 3), but someone named Yiṣḥaq Sūsī also 'speaks' in the first person starting 4 lines from the bottom. In any case, the letter was sent from Alexandria to Shemuel b. Avraham מחיץ, in Tinnīs. The content of the letter is not as interesting as its context and form; it mainly consists of inquiring about family news and small transactions. The writer sends regards to the addressee's mother Doña Dolsa—addressed as al-Ḥurra al-Jalīla—and to Simḥa and Seʿadya and Esther and Ḥanna and the little ones and big ones and Bū Najwā (?). The addresee is to forward some letters in "Frankish" (Spanish? Ladino?) to בונאנד (?). ASE.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic in rudimentary handwriting, early 13th century (I think it is 11th century [AA]), addressed to "my brother" Abū l-Ghayth. Abū l-Majd recently arrived in Bilbays and told the writer that he had gone with Umm Abū l-Ghayth (perhaps the writer's sister who shares a name with their mother?) to the Rayyis, and conducted the symbolic purchase to the effect that she will give him (the addressee?) the qumāsh (dowry) of his (the addressee's?) sister on Thursday. The writer continues, "As soon as you see this letter, go to Abū l-Faraj b. al-Rayyis al-Iskandarānī (aka Eliyyahu the Judge), and go with him to the Rayyis, and take possession of the dowry of your sister's daughter." There follows a difficult sentence, then the writer lists all the items in the dowry. The relationships and the legal standing of the various parties are confusing. Needs further examination. ASE.