31745 records found
Fragment of a letter from Toviyya (Tobias) b. Moshe, ca. 1050. In poetical Hebrew. Dating: ca. 1050 CE. Verso: Receipt or accounts. (Information from CUDL.) Note that DK 166 is the incorrect shelfmark; the current shelfmark may be DK M61, but the M series fragments are missing.
Recto: Letter fragment in Hebrew. Verso: Smaller letter fragment, at 90 degrees, with biblical quotations in Hebrew, and then the body (what little is preserved) in Judaeo-Arabic. Previous description: rabbinic text with citations from Talmud and Bible (e.g. Deuteronomy 4:39) (CUDL).
Accounts. Contains a number of names and professions such as Joseph, Umm ʿAlī, al-Ḥazzān, al-baqqāl ‘vegetable trader, innkeeper’, al-ṣāniʿ ‘the craftsman’. (Information from CUDL)
Probably a letter. Very damaged. (Information from CUDL)
Legal document in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. (Information from CUDL)
Badly damaged piece entitled ‘The names of the fingers’. Mentions hands and nails - possibly in connection with BT Ketubbot 5:2. A date is given at the end: the year 4774 (of Creation) and 946 after the destruction of the Temple (= 1014/1015 CE). CUDL
Notes for drawing up a marriage document. Groom: Yehuda b. Eliyya ha-Levi. Bride: Bat Ṣabāḥ, a widow. The marriage payments are listed, and then "half a house in al-Qālūs." (Information in part from CUDL.)
Medical recipe for a lead-based collyrium (shiyāf abār), including lead, scoria or gold filings, antimony, lead (ie, Venetian) ceruse, Arabic gum and Egyptian opium. (CUDL)
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. From family members to a traveling merchant. Dated: Tishrei [4]89[.], which is the 1130s CE. Maybe 4898, which would be 1137 CE. The letter is full of expressions of longing and preoccupation. The first line preserved refers to "...that we see you before departing the world, until her soul left her, may God have mercy on her" (so evidently a female family member has died). The sender's children ask after the addressee and his news. They want to know every detail: is he staying in the house? where is he sleeping and waking up? Everyone will weep and pray for him. They report that the cardamom has arrived (l. 8). They have given the addressee's letter to the judge Rabbenu Moshe. The sender prays that God will deliver the addressee "from that country" (min tilka al-diyār, three lines from the bottom). ASE
Recto: Hebrew (entitled ‘Our lord, Chronicles’) and unidentified Judaeo-Arabic. Verso: list of parashot from Genesis and jottings in Judaeo-Arabic. (Information from CUDL)
Cutting from a legal document. (Information from CUDL)
Leaf from a legal register, with notes for the drawing up of marriage documents. Mentions: [...] b. Meshullam;Abū Saʿd b. Dosa and legal terms in relation to marriage documents such as ketubba, muqaddam and matana and ‘the fifty.' (Information in part from CUDL.)
Note or end of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Sending regards to somebody and telling the addressee not to forget to write. (Information in part from CUDL)
Fragment of trader’s letter, mentioning quantities. On verso, text in Hebrew. (Information from CUDL)
Recto: Letter, mentioning Yehosef the Nagid of the Diaspora, and Spain. This is probably Yehosef b. Shemuel ha-Nagid (date: 11th century). Cf. ENA 3765.8–9 and T-S 6J3.25 for other letters addressed to him. The letter starts in Hebrew, but the marginal text is in Judaeo-Arabic. Verso: accounts, with sums in dirhams. (Information in part from CUDL.) ASE
Recto: notes or draft of a treatise, stating ‘he created the world with everything in it’, and mentioning infinite power (jabarūt), the epithet ḏū l-jalāl; possibly philosophical. Verso: a couple words in Arabic script, probably from an earlier document. Needs examination (Information in part from CUDL.)
Part of a letter; ‘our friends the traders’ are mentioned. (Information from CUDL)
Lots of minute fragments from different manuscripts, almost all are from legal documents or letters.
Recto: beautifully illuminated ketubba, signed by Yaʿaqov b. Simḥa. Verso: Hebrew and Arabic document, signed by Joseph b. Khalaf. (Information from CUDL)
Legal document concerned with claims in connection with a certain Nissim. (Information from CUDL)