31745 records found
Legal document in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. (Information from CUDL)
Small and damaged fragment from a bill of divorce of Sut[ay]t d. Ulla. Seems to join with T-S AS 152.408. AA
See PGP 22140
Fragment from a Karaite ketubah. AA
Accounts in a late hand, mentioning numerals, measures and month names, such as Rabiʾ al-Awwal. (Information from CUDL)
Accounts, mentioning spices and quantities. (Information from CUDL)
Much faded and barely legible dowry list written on parchment. AA
Fragment from the bottom part of a ketubah. Damaged and faded, but traces of the immersion clause enable us to date it to 1176 onwards-probably 13th century. Signed by Elazar Hakohen b. Nethanel and Zadoq b. [...] Halevi. Below the signature one line from the approval (qiyyum). AA
King and narrow, much damaged, strip from what seems to be a remains of a ketubah (based on the word נדוניא). AA
Unidentified, dark and damaged. Might be from a legal deed of some sort.
Minute fragment from the bottom of a legal deed.
Much damaged and dark. Commodities are mentioned. On verso in a different hand in Judeo Arabic. Might join with T-S AS 152.417. AA
Minute fragment, probably from a ketubah.
Probably a letter. (Information from CUDL)
Late accounts in Judaeo-Arabic with Hebrew numerals. (Information in part from CUDL)
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Fragment (lower left corner). Dating: looks ca. 13th–15th century. Mentions nuqra dirhams. With greetings at the end to a brother and uncle, Abū ʿImrān, al-Muwaffaq, and Munajjā. (Information from CUDL)
Small and damaged fragment, probably from a draft of a late legal deed.
Accounts with numerals. (Information from CUDL)
Legal document between Abū l-Surūr b. Maṭrūḥ and Abū Sahl; apparently with an addendum in a different hand. The possessions of Sitt al-Sāda and the name [...] ha-Sofer are mentioned. A certain Shelomo is a witness below. (Information from CUDL)
Fragment of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Probably 11th or 12th century. The sender conveys distress about the addressee's distance from his children and over someone's loss of prestige (kasr al-jāh). There are prayers that God shelter everyone. Mentions that "we have thrown ourselves upon...."