31745 records found
A faded, but almost complete letter. Abu al-Hasan al-tabib is mentioned, probably regarding business matters.
List of Items might be a dowry list, but not necessary. Also contains a book scroll, which is not so common in dowry lists.
Small fragment in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi. Probably from a letter written on behalf of a poor man (hādha l-miskīn), referring to the generosity of the addressees (faḍluhum). This man has lost 6 dinars, and he may be obligated to pay maintenance (mawna) to a wife and/or children.
Halakhic text, probably a responsum; citation from Mishna Bava Qamma 7:1. (Information from CUDL)
Recto: Letter fragment. In Judaeo-Arabic. The hand is familiar from the circle of Avraham Maimonides. The sender will return something after the holiday because he still has a pressing need for it now (ḍurūra akhīdha). He thanks the addressee in advance. AA. ASE.
Verso: Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Lists various foods and household items (pepper, saffron, eggs, olive oil, lemon, tahina, and many more).
List of unknown nature in a very crude hand. Among the items oil.
Recto: Official letter in Arabic script. Approximately 4 lines are preserved. Wide space between lines. Very faded, and it is difficult to read more than a few words. The phrase "yuḥīṭ ʿilmah" (end of l. 3) suggests a report rather than petition or decree. Needs further examination.
Verso: Document in Judaeo-Arabic. Complete but very faded. Resembles a legal query: "What have our sages said concerning a man who died... [with] a mature son and a mature daughter, and it was found with his daughter... her brother said to her...." The document goes on to talk about a sum of money and daily payments over a period of 3 years. The last line refers to recording/certifying something in a court. The details are very obscure. AA. ASE.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Probably a Maghribī business letter of the 11th century. Fragment (lower half of recto). Mentions the qāḍī Ibn al-[...] and someone called al-ḥāfiẓ. The sender asks the addressee to send a letter on his behalf thanking Manṣūr b. ʿAṭiyya and his father. He asks to be sent the 'miḥbas' (either a collar necklace or a cotton textile, according to the Diem-Radenberg dictionary) so that he can do something with it to keep it from going bad. He reports that many ships have arrived from Sicily. The sender knows that al-Shaykh al-Muwaffaq is saying about him "what I heard from/about him in Alexandria." The continuation in the margin is too damaged to read. AA. ASE.
Letter addressed to the Qaraite Abū l-Barakāt ʿAlī b. Rawḥ (aka Berakha b. Ravaḥ), one of the supporters of Natan b. Avraham. Dating: Probably spring 1039 CE (Gil's assessment). The sender alludes to the Qaraites (l. 6) and Rabbanites (l. 10); refers to a man (Shelomo b. Yehuda? Natan b. Avraham?) as a "rebellious elder" who deserves to be stoned; also mentions a pilgrimage to the graves of the patriarchs.
Short letter written and signed by Shelomo b. Eliyyahu to Abū l-Makārim asking him to pawn a book for 10 dirhams.
Unidentified calculations is JA.
Letter from Nissim b. Shelomo to Abū l-Afrāḥ ʿArūs b. Yosef. In Judaeo-Arabic. Seems to be complaining about the difficulties faced this year: "...we have no mind and no [...] from all the storms (? al-anwāʾ) which have happened to us..."
Probably a letter, with reference to ‘the wife of…’. (Information from CUDL)
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Probably 11th or 12th century. Small fragment, with hardly any text left. It states that the husband of a woman related to Ibn al-Fulādhī (apparently a profession having to do with steel, fulādh or fūlādh) died, and she became pregnant. It then mentions "in the fortified city of ʿA[sqalān]." AA. ASE.
Small fragment from a letter, might be by Shelomo b. Elya’s hand, contains mostly blessings. AA
Damaged letter. Recto in JA, much faded. Verso in Hebrew, the writer is addressing אדוננו ירום הודו and inform him that he is worried because of a debt. AA
A short incomplete note, probably written by Shelomo b. Elya, asking to give half a cup (קדח) to the bearer of the note and also mentioned that he has sent something already with him. AA
Small fragment of a letter, with a partial address on verso. (Information from CUDL)