31745 records found
Formulary for letters in rhymed Judaeo-Arabic. Mostly contains words of honor and blessings. Recto ends with פצל אכר ("another section").
Literary text in Judaeo-Arabic, with a colophon. Mentions: "my master Aaron... his lineage... the other tribes of the sons of (Israel)... in the Torah... (Moses and?) Aaron, peace be upon them... [...] the son of Jacob the prophet, peace be upon him... his lineage to Ḥuwayy/Ḥivi the son of... of Khaybarī origin, an in-law of the noble [feminine name or noun]. I have transcribed all the foregoing from Arabic script into Hebrew script, letter by letter, for the sake of the knowledge of a sect of the Jews... and I have taken their testimony in it.... The completion (אלפגֿאר(!)) of it was... Kislev 1644... Yaʿaqov ha-Rofe (the physician)." The date corresponds to 1331 CE. AA. ASE.
Long and narrow fragment of a legal deed in Arabic and Judeo Arabic. Amram b. Yefet Hakohen is releasing his daughter Sitt al-Qum and his son Tiqva from any claims. On verso remains of a Fatimid document.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Fragment. Contains mostly blessings for family members. The margin of recto contains some business instructions ("do not sell it for that price [or for] less than 3 dinars, since there is demand for it here from me"). The sender asks for the news from Sicily. Mentions people such as "his brother Barakāt Ibn al-Maqdisī"; ʿEli; Menashshe the cantor; and Efrayim. AA. ASE.
Fragment from a legal deed written by Mevorakh b. Nathan, from the year 1170 (only the two last digits ae preserved), under the authority of Sar Shalom Halevi. The deed is damaged, so the actual context is unclear. A lady appeared in court and declared that she gave someone what she had to give. AA
One side: A brief letter to Abu l-Rabīʿ Sulaymān consisting of greetings and blessings. (A man by the same name is known from India Book 4, as one of Yehuda ha-Levi's companions in his trip to Alexandria, but the name is common, and there is no sign that this is the addressee here.) The other side: Seems to be in the same hand, also consisting entirely of deferential blessings (kissing hands and feet, etc.)
Much damaged letter, most of it too faded to decipher.
A letter, probably business, with a list of some items(?) at the bottom. Damaged.
A legal document regarding a poor man called Ishaq Nafisi (נפיצי) dated Rabi’ al-Akhir.
Fragment of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Colloquial register. Refers twice to a young woman or girl (ṣabiyya). There is some reported dialogue, including the sender telling someone that he or she has repaid the dinar.
See T-S 12.47 for description.
Damaged fragment containing two documents- one is a much damaged letter. On the margin of verso part from a legal deed involving Moshe and his wife.
Damaged fragment of a legal deed regarding monetary issues of marriage.
List of debts and prices of items.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Late, likely Mamluk-era. From a person to his brother in Egypt (spelled מסרים)
Letter, looks 14th century and later.
Digest of a legal document. Probably in the cursive hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi. For a partnership in a shop in New Cairo. One partner is Hiba b. Mevorakh. The partnership will last for 2 years beginning from Kislev 1436 Seleucid (November/December 1124 CE). AA
Fragment from a letter in Judaeo-Arabic. A reference is made to רבינו המעוז המגדול (our Rabbi, the Great Fortress), a title usually reserved for Maimonides or his son. Mentions: "if he is still owed anything by my son, let me know." The sender asks for news about the capitation taxes. There are a few words in Arabic script on verso. AA
List of revenues or expenses of the piuos foundations from the year 1152/3. The hand seems to be by Hillel b. Zadoq, a communal official in Alexandria. AA
Medical. Materia medica. List of medical substances and quantities (see Isaacs, Catalogue) Judeo-Arabic. AA