31745 records found
Fragment from a late letter in Judeo Arabic. The writer is sending regards to some family members including Efraim, and also to his sister Rivka and to Mas’uda, Amran, Zaharun and Moshe. He continues to greet Rachel, Israel and Klara, another Mas’uda, Yehuda.
Legal fragment in the hand of Halfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi. Bill of release. No specifics are preserved. AA
Minute fragment from the top of a letter.
Much damaged small fragment of a letter. The content is unclear.
Fragment of a letter from the office of Yehoshua Maimonides, possibly a recommendation for Yosef al-Ṣabbān (the soap boiler).
Minute fragment from a letter.
Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. "I wrote to him a letter of condolence.... please apologize to him for me for the shortcoming... his death, but...
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. No address. Quite faded. Mentions 'the matter of the house'; [Abū] l-Riḍā; Abū Naṣr. Regards to Abū l-Faraj Natan ha-Kohen b. Efrayim ha-Kohen al-Ṣārifī.
Siddur Saadya Gaon
Mercantile letter in Judaeo-Arabic. The hand is very cursive and very hard to read (and seems familiar from other 11th- or 12th-century mercantile documents). Refers to people such as Abū Saʿīd, possibly Ghālib ibn al-Rayyis, Abū l-Surūr, and al-ʿAkkāwī. Mentions several ships. On verso a list, in the hand of the same scribe, of names and commodities, such as pepper, nard, arsenic, and musk items usually associated with the India trade.
List of names and houses with numerals, most of them 100 or 200, probably for tax purposes. Names include Naṣrullah Qūṣī, Mūsā Nuwās and many more. (Information from CUDL)
Fragment from a letter, contains mostly blessings. The writer is whishing that the addressee will be able to see Jerusalem.
List of prices.
Table of names and numbers. Contributors list?
Letter addressed to a dignitary. Possibly a preface to an appeal for charity.
Petition/letter of appeal for charity. Addressed to someone titled Ḥemdat ha-Nesiʾut, possibly the same person as Sayyidnā in l. 8. In Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew. The paper is dark and the text is faded. The sender describes his poverty ('weakness') and the losses he suffered for 4 months. He has 'uncovered [his face]' seeking help from God and from Sayyidnā. Mentions someone 'shutting (a figurative door) in our faces.' Mentions Abū l-Bayān. The sender has pawned his clothing (thawbī marhūn). AA. ASE.
Long strip from the right side of a letter written and signed by Yosef b. Arah.
Arabic. Needs examination.
Minute fragment, probably from a letter.