31745 records found
Philosophical work comparing the prophecy of Moshe to other prophets. Information from Sarah Stroumsa's transcription and notes.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and Greek/Coptic numerals.
Draft(s) of a short letter in which the sender states his intention to go to Fusṭāṭ - but he is having financial problems and may be asking for money. (Information in part from CUDL.)
Philosophical work on good and evil deeds and God's transcendence. Information from Nahum Steinberg's transcription and notes.
Probably a fragment of a get (bill of divorce) for a certain Yaḥyā.
Recto: family letter addressed to Sarah, daughter of the elder Maymūn, mentioning Sarah’s cousin, the mother of the writer, Mūsā the ugly (al-kāfūsh) and Isaac the cantor. Verso: address and another letter in a different script; probably the reply or the preceding letter ‘from your sister’ Sarah. (Information from CUDL)
Fragment containing Hebrew pious phrases and biblical quotations. Perhaps notes for a eulogy?
Small fragment of a legal document, probably.
Much damaged and faded letter. Alexandria is mentioned. Barely legible.
Legal query sent to the Judge Anaṭoli about a debt. In the hand of Berakhot b. Shemuel. See Mordechai Akiva Friedman, "Responsa of Abraham Maimonides on a Debtor's Travails," in Genizah Research after Ninety Years – The Case of Judaeo-Arabic, ed. J. Blau & S. C. Reif, Cambridge 1992, pp. 82–92. (AA)
See PGP 20944
Unidentified document in late Hebrew script. Mentions Miṣrayim (Fustat/Cairo).
Fragment of a bifolio containing a letter or legal declaration in Judaeo-Arabic. It has to do with asserting the rights of a muqaddam (Jewish communal leader) and how the community will not oppose him. Names Ibrāhīm b. ʿUthmān and his son.
Bottom part from a letter or a draft, or just a pen trial - the page is empty besides this address. The phrase המצב הגדול מושב הדרת הנגידות. Probably Mahalla al-Kabira is intended. it seems from this address that the Nagid use to sit there, but it is out of context and might be only a pen trial. AA
Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. Rudimentary hand. The portion preserved here consists of blessings and longing.
Accounts with European numerals, mentioning names such as Moshe, Yosef, Shemuʾel and David. (Information from CUDL)
Few words from the top part of a legal deed.
Probably a fragment from a letter. [...] b. Aharon is mentioned and also the staying of the writer in Fustat during Shavu'ot holiday.
Recto: legal document in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe, dealing with business matters. Verso: badly rubbed and illegible. (Information from CUDL)
Minute fragment probably from a book list. Tractates Yebamot and Qiddushin are mentioned.