31745 records found
Recto: document, mentioning Hillel and Elʿazar. Verso: Arabic document; possibly a letter. (Information from CUDL)
Minute fragment from the bottom of a legal deed.
Small piece of a legal document in the the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. (Information from CUDL)
On recto poetic lines in Hebrew, can be from a a letter to person named Halfon, or a dirge or other poem. On verso liturgy.
Minute fragment from a legal deed.
Legal document mentioning weights, such as 144 dirhams, and a spouse. (Information from CUDL)
Minute fragment, probably from the middle part of a ketubah, based on the mention of דמיפטרא ביה (what that will make her divorce) which is commonly found in marriage stipulations. Also few letters from the immersion clause, that started to appear after 1176. Probably written by Yosef b. Shemuʾel Halevi (Date: ca. 1180-1210). AA
Minute fragment, might be from a legal deed but too little remains to identify.
Minute fragment from a ketubah.
Legal document, possibly in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. (Information from CUDL)
Small fragment probably from the bottom of a ketubah. The bride name is Sarura. AA
Accounts or other trade related document; very few words are legible, such as ‘carat’ (qirrāṭ) and dinars. (Information from CUDL). See PGP 20645
Small fragment from the top of a legal document from 22 Tamuz 1163
Much damaged late poetic Hebrew fragment, might be from a letter of appeal.
Damaged fragment from a formula of a legal deed.
Minute fragment from the top of a legal deed.
Minute fragment with few words, seems to be from a ketubah.
Fragment of a legal document written in large calligraphic letters. (Information from CUDL)
Bottom part of a legal deed containing the approval (qiyyum). The signatures are written by the same hand, so it might be a copy that was kept in court. Signed by Shelomo b. Nathan ha-haver (Date: 1106, see TS NS 323.4), Yefet b. Nethanel ha-mumhe (Date: 1102, see TS 10J5.9).
Fragment of a legal document written in large calligraphic letters. (Information from CUDL)