31745 records found
Small fragment from a ketubah. The groom name [...] b. Efraim and the brife is Miriam. 11th century. AA
Minute fragment from an end of a legal deed with the signature of Yefet b. Ya'aqov and Shemuel b. Yehuda. AA
Legal document signed by [Jo]seph ha-Levi b. [...] and [...] b. Shemuʾel. (Information from CUDL)
Bottom part of a ketubah, signed by Hananya b. Elnathan, Avraham b. Ho[...], Maryut Hakohen. AA
Fragment from a trousseau list, mentioning a ketubba and the bridal gift, and typical trousseau items such as a head scarf and several sums of dinars. (Information from CUDL)
Commentary entitled פירוש מכתב לרבנות, in the hand of Joseph b. Jacob ha-Bavli.
Fragment from a Judaeo-Arabic book on hemerology.
Brief letter about payment owed to Ṭoviyya, also giving instructions about making a purchase. In Hebrew. On parchment. Dating: Likely 11th century. On verso there is what looks like a poem.
Fragment of a legal document, mentioning 1000 dirhams and a wife. (Information from CUDL)
Small fragment from a legal deed
List, probably in connection with a legal document, mentioning Kurma bat ʿAyyāsh, [...] bat Joseph also known as Ibn al-Shirjī, the ‘reliable witnesses’ Abū l-Ḥasan Ibn al-Shofeṭ and Menaḥem Ibn Qaṭāʾif. (Information from CUDL)
Probably begging letter, written in a flowery style in a mix of Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic. (Information from CUDL)
Much damaged legal deed- probably a bill of purchase, according to what is written in the approval (qiyyum). The deed is signed by Yosef b. [...], Shelomo b. [...] and Adiyya(?) b. Avr[aham?]. and the qiyyum is signed by Ishaq b. Kalafa. AA
Small fragment from the top of the ketubah of Karima d. Yosef. Another ketubah for a bride bearing the same name is found in TS 12.489, where she is titled 'the virgin'. If we are talking about the same bride , this might be her first marriage.
Much damaged fragment from a bill of receipt.
Beginning of a letter, probably sent to Ibn [...] b. Khalaf al-[...], and mentioning Sicily. (Information from CUDL)
Minute fragment from a legal deed signed by Shelomo b. Aharon Hakohen. AA
Trousseau list, mentioning quantities of (Egyptian) dinars and trousseau items. (Information from CUDL)
Marginalia of a letter, which sends greetings, for example to the father of the addressee. (Information from CUDL)
Fragment from a marriage contract or a ketubah. Part from the monogamy clause is preserved. AA