31745 records found
Letter fragment (part of the right side of recto and verso). Asking the addressee to enlighten the sender about various talmudic passages.
Legal document. Tiny fragment. Apparently dealing with the marriage of a freedwoman (meshuḥrarta kalta).
Legal testimony. Involves Faḍā'il the cantor, R. Ye[ḥi]el, Bū Naṣr b. al-[...], and Makhlūf. There is a dispute over the ritual slaughter of a sheep. (Information in part from CUDL)
Letter with greetings. (Information from CUDL)
Accounts. (Information from CUDL.) Late, sephardic hand.
Circular addressed to 'all the congregations of our brothers of Israel who live in [...],' old and young and parnasim. Not much more is preserved.
Fragment from the bottom of a ketubah. The bride's name is Sitt al-Tana ben (!) Elazar. Part from the monogamy clause is preserved. AA
Letter, probably. Tiny fragment, containing only the first ~3 words and last ~3 words. From "Yedid b. Yosef ha-Levi."
Aramaic legal document with a few Judaeo-Arabic words. (Information from CUDL)
Minute fragment from a ketubah, which can be dated to 1178 onwards thanks to the remains of the immersion clause which started to appear in Egypt following Maimonides' enactment issued at that year. Also part from the domicile clause is visible. AA
Recto: probably a legal document, mentioning maintenance. Verso: possibly a prayer or sermon (?). (Information from CUDL)
Legal formularies for marriage contracts. In large, square script.
Legal document mentioning the name Joseph. (Information from CUDL)
Marriage contract, probably. Fragment. Contains a warning to the wife concerning menstrual purity. (See Eve Krakowski, "Maimonides’ Menstrual Reform in Egypt," JQR 110, No. 2 (Spring 2020), 280–83, 289.)
Legal document. Small fragment. Perhaps a marriage contract (...tosefta ve-nedunya...).
Legal document. Tiny fragment. Mentions dinars and silk.
Legal document; probably a witness statement. (Information from CUDL)
Legal testimony. Dated: Wednesday, 10 Av [possibly 5348 AM?? אבנש]. In Judaeo-Arabic. Al-Shaykh al-Fakhr Mūsā b. Hārūn al-Shāmī takes an oath that he will not leave(?) [...] from the teacher Alkūsh(?) to another teacher, except with the consent of the first teacher. Witnesses: מכטרה (?) ʿAbd al-Wāḥid Ibn Fayrūz, Farajallāh b. Yosef b. Fāḍil. There is also a potentially third witness signature in Arabic script. (Information in part from CUDL)
Legal document; witness statement from Fusṭāṭ, mentioning the Nagid and a certain al-Marjānī (‘the coral merchant’). (Information from CUDL)
Probably a legal document, mentioning Mufarraj b. Isaac and Joseph b. ʿAzarya. Arabic jottings below. (Information from CUDL)