31745 records found
Business letter addressed to Avraham b. Shanju and Shelomo al-Shaqar. Dating: First half of the 16th century. The sender informs the addressees about a shipment of two different varieties of sugar.
Letter fragment. In Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic. Mentioning the merchants who traverse the provinces (al-tujjār al-mujtāzīn bi-l-rīf). (Information in part from CUDL)
Legal document(s). Dated: 8 Tammuz 5613 AM, which is 1853 CE. On one side there is an Arabic document witnessed by "Daniel" and on the other a Hebrew document possibly signed by Yom Ṭov Cherezli (looks like גרזלי). Both documents concern the same case, involving a harsha'a and Se. Yosef b. Yaqar aka al-Khwāja Yūsuf b. Yaqār. ASE. MCD.
Ownership note. "This pitaron (Interpretation of Dreams?) belongs to Nisan(?) ha-Ḥaver and his sons after him." Mentions Yehoshuaʿ ha-Haver (ZL).
Legal document. In Hebrew. Late. Fragment: upper right corner. Involves [...]ya ha-Kohen and Avraham.
Ownership note, perhaps. "I bought this on [...] Ṭevet 1428," meaning 1116/17 CE.
Letter fragment (bottom of recto, top of verso) in distinctive handwriting. Legible phrases: "on the day I enter the city"; "the bearer of this [letter]"; "speak well of them [takun lahum melitz yosher] to his excellency the Gaon may he live forever"; "tell me the news of the son of his maternal aunt"; "give my regards to my sister"; "I only wrote these lines while..." ASE.
Late bill of acknowledgement between Hayyim Hazaq b. Shlomo and his wife, approving the receiving of a sum of 63000 as a payment for his business partner. AA
Letter to Abū Saʿīd Nissim b. Nahray, probably sent by Nissim b. Ḥalfon. (Information from CUDL)
Letter addressed to Shelomo ha-Zaqen. In Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic. Quite faded; not much is legible without special imaging. Mentions something 'they are saying'; something 'ugly'; and something in the synagogue.
Legal document mentioning a ketubba and Abū l-Alā. (Information from CUDL)
Legal document. (Information from CUDL)
Letter fragment. In Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic. Small fragment. Includes the relatively unusual honorific "ושמשי וסהרוני" (cf. T-S 20.173 and Bodl. MS heb. b 11/25).
Letter of recommendation for charity, probably. Describing an unfortunate man. "... in this city... in all places, because... his condition... he was robbed (nuhiba) of all that he owned... there followed the matter of Ibn Rabbi [...]... the coast and Gaza(?)..."
Fragment with Hebrew text, in a late hand. May be literary.
Legal document dated Monday 14th Iyyar, about the gift of half a house that Umm Abū l-Bayān, wife of Abū l-Bakr b. Joseph, gave to her son Abū l-Baqā. Mentions the name [...] bint Abū l-Ḥasan. (Information from CUDL)
Letter mentioning the currency ashrafī. (Information from CUDL)
Accounts; list of names. (Information from CUDL)
Memorial list(s).
Recto: Official Arabic document. (Information from CUDL)