31745 records found
Legal document (witness statement), mentioning ‘my husband Yaʿaqov.' (Information from CUDL.) Join: Oded Zinger.
A much faded legal deed written by Efrayim b. Shemarya (see Bareket, The Jews of Egypt, p, 217). On recto description of a legal suit between Hushiel and his group (עידתו) in Qayrawan, mentions Hayyim b. Moshe and Shemuel b. Sahal. The deed continues verso. AA
Accounts, mentioning the name Ya'aqov. (Information from CUDL)
Legal document mentioning the advanced bridal gift. (Information from CUDL)
Letter from Abū Naṣr b. Avraham, in Alexandria. In Judaeo-Arabic with several lines in Arabic script on verso. Dated: 11 Sivan [4901] AM, which is 18 May 1141 CE. Abū Naṣr informs the addressee that Yehuda ha-Levi set sail on Wednesday, the first day of Shavuʿot, after leaving him a letter for the Nagid Shemuel b. Ḥananya, which accompanies this letter. The Arabic text on verso—which may or may not be related—reads "... he did not accept from him, and he went up with him/it to Cairo and was declared bankrupt. . . to go with them, and he met the Rayyis and told him, and he saved him from them." (Information from CUDL and from Goitein and Friedman, India Book IV.)
Bottom of a legal document in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Dated: First decade of Iyyar 1438 Seleucid, which is 1127 CE. Little of the content is preserved. Mentions "one third" and possibly the name Musallam. (Information in part from CUDL)
Legal document giving the testimony of Shelomo, and mentioning Elʿazar and Yeshuʿa. (Information from CUDL)
Accounts with Coptic numerals. (Information from CUDL)
Halakhic discussion regarding the slaughter of animals.
One of four fragments from the court ledger of the Babylonian congregation of Damascus (T-S 16.181, T-S AS 146.66, T-S NS 320.108, and T-S 12.592). Dated: 6 Nisan 4693 AM, which is 933 CE. The first betrothal recorded is between Shemuel b. Avraham the Persian and Khayriyya bt. ʿEzra; the mohar was fixed at 50 gold pieces. At the time of betrothal Samuel gave her 3 good gold pieces, and he will add 17 gold pieces at the time of marriage, and a further 30 in future. This offer was accepted by Manṣūr b. Isaac, the guardian of Khayriyya. Witnessed by Muʿammar b. Yaʿaqov, Benyamin […], Aharon b. R. […], […] b. Shaʾul, Yaʿaqov b. Maymūn, and Avraham ha-Shofet. The second record regards the betrothal of […] b. Yosef with Thanā bt. Furayj ha-Kohen, witnessed by Yaʿaqov b. Natan and Aharon b. ʿEli. (Information from CUDL.)
Damaged legal deeds. On recto a bill of compensation from 11th century Fustat, probably from a man to a woman. On verso another document, in a different hand. Probably bill of release between Yeshua Halevi b. Nethanel and Ben Tarsun (figures from this family are mentioned in Geniza documents from 1030’s). AA
Letter or note from Sitt Rayḥān; on verso mentions Zachariah, possibly the addressee, and Alexandria. (Information from CUDL)
Court record of a case in which an orphan girl wishing to dispose of a piece of property that was held in trust by the court had to have her action confirmed by the man to whom she was betrothEd. Drawn up in Fustat, Tammuz 1393/June 1082. (Information from Mediterranean Society, III, pp. 89, 445)
Marriage contract (ketubba) from Tyre, ca. 1079. Preserves the full name of the groom and a notable phrase for the promise of mohar. (Friedman, Jewish Marriage, vol. 2, 460-1) EMS
A fragment from a beginning of a ketubah. 11th century. AA
A damaged bill of divorce (get). The woman’s name is Sitt al-Sada. Only the last two digits of the year is preserved: [..]82. AA
Marriage contract in Palestinian style (small scrap from the concluding lines). VMR
A damaged bill of divorce (get). The top part is missing. The woman is Hilala d. Nathan. Signed by […] b. Avraham ha-haver, […] b. Shemuel ha-melamed. AA
Two damaged fragments from a ketubah, The groom is […] b. Mevaser. Fragment a contains mostly the dowry. On the bottom of the fragment , a leather string is visible, probably to tie two pieces of vellum together. AA