31745 records found
Minute fragments, few from legal deeds.
Letter in which the writer asks the addressee to intervene with Sar ha-Sarim, probably Mevorakh b. Saadya, to retrieve his nephew's estate. (Information from Goitein's index cards)
Letter from Barakāt al-Kohen to the cantor Moshe b. Levi ha-Levi (d. 1212). Barakāt has sent the volume which he found of al-Faraj baʿd al-Shidda. He found another copy with his brother's son in al-Maḥalla and plans to go get it and send it to Moshe. He will also send the two 'little qawls' (piyyuṭim?) which he'd mentioned, on the subject of love. On verso, he asks Moshe to send him two pots with dates, for those he received were spoiled, and he discarded them in Minya Zifta. He also sends his greetings to Abū l-ʿAlāʾ and Abū l-Maʿālī. (Information in part from Mediterranean Society, IV, p. 411, and from Goitein's index cards)
Order of payment by Abū Zikrī Kohen, asking the elder Khalīl to pay the bearer of the note one raṭl of [...]. (Information from CUDL)
Calendrical list, which mentions the Jewish months and festivals, followed by Hebrew numerals, and counts the number of days. CUDL
Legal document, possibly a draft, in Judaeo-Arabic. Crude hand. Specifying the conditions of the betrothal (erusin) between Yefet al-Kohen and [... bt. ...]n b. Khalaf from Baghdād. If Yefet breaks the betrothal, he owes a fine of 10 dinars to the qodesh. The text on verso may be the continuation. The name "Yosef b. Yoshiyya known as [...]" appears at the bottom. This document was written on a piece of reused business accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals.
Letter (draft?) in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Late, ca. 16th–18th century based on handwriting and format. In the margins and on recto reused for accounts in Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic, with Hebrew numerals. (Information in part from CUDL)
Poetic Hebrew. Might be piyyut or opening of a letter. Too dark
Opening of a faded letter written (and signed) by Avraham Maimonides, addressed to the the Great Dayyan [...] b. Yosef - probably Anatoly b. Yosef. AA
The original document is a Judaeo-Arabic letter addressed to Eliyyahu the Judge, in Fustat, from his "family" (ahl baytih, which can also mean "wife"), in Alexandria. Little of the content is preserved, but it mentions something belonging to a woman named Rivqa. At the top of recto, in a different ink and different hand (the hand of Eliyyahu?), a few words in Judaeo-Arabic including the name Abū l-Ḥasan b. Abū l-[...].
One line from the opening of a legal document written by Halfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi. AA
Mostly torn and effaced memorial list of well-known families. (Information from Goitein's index cards)
Recto (original use): Fragment of a legal document in Arabic script. Verso (secondary use): Official-looking receipt of some kind. In Arabic script. Needs examination.
Fragment from the right side of a legal document in the hand of ʿImmanuel b. Yeḥiel (active ca. 1231–79).
Recto: possibly part of a commentary, referring to Ecclesiastes 2:14. Verso: possibly calendrical, referring to cycles of years. CUDL
Letter to the Nagid. In Judaeo-Arabic. Fragment (upper right corner). Dating: Likely 13th or 14th century, based on handwriting. Mentions the amir Sayf al-Mulk and the synagogue of Damīra. Introduced by a quotation similar to Micah 5:8. (Information in part from CUDL)
Legal document mentioning a bridal gift and Abū l-Faḍl. (Information from CUDL)
Recto: small fragment from the beginning of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Verso: Hebrew quotations, similar to Psalms 137:6. (Information from CUDL)
Minute fragment, few words from the end of the name [...] b. Yishai. AA