31745 records found
Legal document mentioning a certain Nadīv and Menashshe b. ʿOvadya. Dated but much of the date is broken off. (Information from CUDL)
An honorary list to Avraham ha-Nagid and Moshe ha-Nagid. We know only little on the late Negidim from Maimonides' family. His grandchild David b. Avraham had a son called Avraham who become Nagid himself until ca. 1300. He had 3 sons: Moshe, Ovadya and Yehosu'a, who served as a Nagid. Scholars have raised a question how come the youngest become a Nagid and non of the elders sons? So this document is a strong proof that Moshe was a Nagid. See also TS K15.58, where Musa al-Nagid is mentioned (Cohen, The Voice of the Poor, p. 176). AA
Minute fragment. End of a letter signed by Moshe b. [...]har. AA
End of a letter in Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic. Giving business instructions followed by greetings to the addressee's son Ghālib, Binyamin Peʾer ha-Qahal, Shemarya, the cantor ha-Kohen, Ḥalfon and his son Avraham. (Information in part from CUDL)
A letter, torn on top and bottom from the widow of [Moshe] Kastro to her brother Yaakov Toledano in Alexandria. 16th century. She report various subjects including financial issues. She payed all her debts, but the debtor refuse to give her back her pawned items, necessary for her son's marriage.
Minute fragment probably from a memorial list. Only few partial names preserved. AA
Begging letter. (Information from CUDL)
minute fragments. One small fragment with few Arabic words.
Legal document containing directions to the scribe, in which the Rav Elazar b. Jasbi gives 25 dinars to Abu al-Rida to buy him "200 mann" of sal ammoniac in the course of one and one-half months. Dated May 1152. (Information from Goitein's index cards)
Mostly effaced note specifying sums of money. Accounts on verso. (Information from Goitein's index cards)
Letter, written by Shelomo b. Elijah. (Information from CUDL)
Trousseau list relating to a ketubba. (Information from CUDL)
Legal document relating to a ketubba (trousseau list), mentioning the groom [...] son of the late [...] ha-Levi ha-Parnas and the bride Mubāraka. (Information from CUDL)
Small fragment from a ketubah. AA
Bill of divorce. Small fragment. Wife: Ghāliya bt. Yaḥyā.
Tiny fragment containing two words (ve-simḥa ve-ṣahala), probably from the upper margin of a ketubba.
Letter mentioning Yehuda b. [...], previous correspondence and quantities of dinars. (Information from CUDL)
Legal document mentioning a sum of money and ‘the price of the house’. (Information from CUDL)
Fragment of a ketubba. In the hand of Yosef b. Shemuel b. Seʿadya ha-Levi. After 1176 based on the appearance of the Immersion stipulation.