31745 records found
Legal agreement. Location: Fustat. Dated: 4754 AM, which is 993/94 CE. Two cantors, Naḥum b. Yosef al-Baradānī and Palṭiel b. Efrayim, divide up liturgical and communal responsibilities (and wages) between them. Among other things, they are appointed to draw up marriage contracts and bills of divorce. The former, Naḥum b. Yosef al-Baradānī, is otherwise known from the writings of R. Hayya Gaon. (Information from Friedman, "Palestinian Ketubbot from the Geonic Period," Teʿuda 1 (1980), p. 68). On verso there are liturgical instructions in Judaeo-Arabic.
Recto: probably part of trousseau list, mentioning vessels and values. Verso: marriage (betrothal) settlement, mentioning the sum of 10 dinars, signed; names mentioned: Manṣūr, Ḥiyya b. Isaac and [Nath]an b. Shemuʾel he-Ḥaver. (Information from CUDL)
Letter in Hebrew. Fragment: right side only. The sender is asking the addressee to enlighten him about various theological/philosophical matters, e.g., the significance of the trappings of the Mishkan. He cites something said by Rabbi Nissim and there is also mention of Eliyyahu (ZL).
Recto: Letter from Abū Sahl Levi to his son Moshe b. Levi ha-Levi. He has sent: parchments (ruqūq), scissors (miqaṣṣ), a belt (zunnār), a razor (mūs), and a hook (? khaṭfa). He blames ʿUthmān for the delay: he spends every day looking around trying to find him. Mentions Ṣāfī and Khalaf. Verso: Letter from Moshe b. Levi ha-Levi, presumably to his father Abū Sahl Levi. He asks for news of three different women (perhaps related to BL OR 12186.12, in which his father offers him the choice of several brides?). These identifications are based on handwriting and typical content and phrases. ASE
Letter sent by a certain Shelomo, mentioning the Nagid [...] b. David, Moses, Egypt and Cairo. (Information from CUDL)
Legal document concerning a transaction, mentioning Abū ʿAlī and Qalyūb. (Information from CUDL)
Testimony from the wife of Abū Naṣr al-Ḥalabī, the daughter of Abū l-Majd(?). (Information in part from CUDL)
Legal document issued to Abū l-Faraj; signed by [... b. N]athan ha-Levi and Baraka ha-Kohen b. [...]. (Information from CUDL)
Letter from Mevorakh b. Natan ha-Ḥaver (judge in Fustat, 1150–81) to Shabbetay b. Avraham (judge in Minyat Zifta, 1135–78). Concerning (1) a muqaddam who has been causing trouble and making light of notables; (2) a question submitted to the physicians in the capital by Shabbetay's son Abu Saʿd: all the physicians reply that they must see the patient, hear his words, and see his (urine) flask before prescribing an effectve remedy; (3) a recommendation for the bearer, a brother of the late Judge Menaḥem. Information from Goitein's note card. ASE.
Legal document (probably a formulary) for marriage conditions. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Much of the text resembles the text of ENA 3755.6.
Letter fragment from Shelomo b. Yehuda, in the hand of Yosef Ha-Kohen b. Shelomo Gaon.
Legal document possibly concerning the manumission and conversion of a female slave. Mentions [...]l b. Elʿazar. (Information from CUDL)
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Fragment: bottom half. The sender complains that the bustān is ruined: the livestock have died of hunger and the produce has dried up, and al-rayyis Abū Isḥāq has taken possession of the bustān. No one remains except for the guard. Someone has cried out (istaghātha) and said, 'the bustān is ruined!' The sender urges some action on the part of the addressee.
Recto: one line from the superscription of a ketubba. Verso: probably an Arabic document. (Information from CUDL)
Legal document concerning a settlement of 17 dinars belonging to ‘my son Sālim’. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. (Information from CUDL)
Legal document. Location: Fustat. Written under the rule of the Nasi David b. Daniel b. Azarya (1082–94 CE). Ḥasana bt. Shaʾul, the widow of Yiṣḥaq b. Avraham, with whom she had two sons, Avraham and Naḥum, now wishes to marry Yefet b. Hillel Ibn al-Ṣabbāgh. The court apparently investigates the plan for the maintenance and upbringing of the orphans. Needs further examination. (Information in part from CUDL)
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew numerals. Crude handwriting and spellings. Mentions "the runner (raqqās) of the capitation tax, for/from Makhlūf" and then "Manṣūr the collector of the capitation taxes' (jābī al-jawālī). (Information in part from CUDL)
Legal document dated 2[.] Elul 1423 of the Seleucid Era (= 1112 CE). Mentions Efrayim ha-Kohen and Nathaniel. (Information from CUDL)
Legal document concerning a financial settlement. The witnesses are Abū l-Faraj and Daʾūd. (Information from CUDL)
Legal document, in which Thāmira bt. Avraham appoints Avraham b. Shelomo as her agent for suing Hiba b. Bishr, debtor of her late father, since she and her minor sister were the only legal heirs. Dated Wednesday, 26th Adar II 4848 AM (= Spring 1088 CE), and mentions Alexandria. Written and signed by the cantor Mawhūb b. Aharon the cantor and Tamām b. Nissim; signatures: the Nasi David b. Daniel ha-Nasi; ʿEli ha-Kohen b. Yaḥyā, the cantor Hillel b. ʿEli. (Information from CUDL; see also Goitein's index card.)