31745 records found
Letter from Avraham Baronito to a communal dignitary. Dating: Second half of the 16th century. The sender is known from ENA NS 49.20 (a legal deed dated 1563 CE) and T-S 8J14.28 (as the addressee of a Ladino letter from Yiṣḥaq Baronito). He asks for financial help, as the tax collector has detained him in the 'mishmar' (perhaps house arrest).
Letter fragment (bottom half). In Hebrew. It is not entirely clear how this relates to the letter on verso. Both recto and verso are appeals for charity, each one in slightly different handwriting but plausibly by the same person. The sender says he traveled to Damietta intending to go on to Safed but could not find a ship, so he returned and arrived home on Friday night only to find his wife and two sons sitting in the dark on account of their poverty. He asks for charity.
List of prospective contributors. The persons whose names are crossed out probably already had been approached. Notice that most of the numbers are added above the name or in the space after it and in a different ink color, which means either that someone took the list and then rated those individuals, or their contributions were entered when they were made (M. Cohen). Some names have no numbers at all. A few numbers are in Coptic numerals. Verso: Monetary compensations for those indigent people who had applied for a futa (a sari-like garment). Crossed out: probably had received their share. (Information from Goitein index cards)
Legal document. In Hebrew. Location: Fustat/Cairo. Dated: Friday, 18 Tammuz 5319 AM, which is 23 June 1559 CE. Partnership in a muqāṭaʿa (Ottoman Turkish: mukata’a) between 2 Jews and a Gentile. This seems to be a formulary, as the Jews are named Reuven, Shimʿon, and Levi, and the Gentile is named "the Gentile." (Information in part from Avraham David via FGP.)
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic, with the address in Arabic script. Addressed to Abū Ṭāhir Barakāt b. ʿAlī al-Baghdādī. The layout is somewhat unusual. It opens with blessings and longing and mentions the passing of time (not a person named Mar al-Zamān). Mentions a woman who has died (raḍiya Allāh ʿanhā). Mentions Abū l-Faḍl R. Maṣliaḥ. The last words in the upper margin are 'they have taken the money/property.' In addition to the address, verso contains the remains of an earlier letter or letter draft addressed to a woman. (Information in part from CUDL.)
Letter of congratulations to Sar Shalom ha-Zaqen (perhaps Sar Shalom ha-Levi, r. 1173–95) and to the groom and the bride and the whole congregation. In Hebrew, with rudimentary handwriting and orthography. There is a date, but the year is difficult to decipher (Tuesday, 20 Nisan 1[...] Seleucid). Or perhaps this is not a letter at all and rather the copy of the beginning of a ketubba, made by a child or a very untrained scribe.
Legal document. Fragment: Upper left corner. Location: Banhā. Dated: [14]61 Seleucid, which is 1149/50 CE, under the reshut of Shemuel b. Ḥananya. The substance of the matter is difficult to figure out. It involves a certain [...] b. Shemuel ha-Levi. Excommunication is involved and there is reported speech (yā mawlāy qad aḥramtu/uḥrimtu...) (Information in part from CUDL)
Letter in Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic. Fragment: upper right corner. It seems that the scribe himself tore it up and obliterated part of the text. This is a letter begging for forgiveness for some offense. The sender describes how he was in the presence of the addressee, and when the latter's [face?] changed, the sender endured terrible distress. He mentions the law of Moshe b. ʿAmram. (Information in part from CUDL)
Letter from Avraham b. Yaʿish, in Constantinople/Istanbul. Dating: Probably Ottoman era; Avraham David suggests 16th century. He refers numerous times to the holy congregation(s) and their duties and good deeds and refers to 'the troubles (הטרדות).
Letter. Small fragment. In Hebrew, rudimentary handwriting. The sender mentions amīr al-[...], money perhaps received from "your congregation," and the city of Arsūf.
Accounts in a very cursive script, with Greek/Coptic numerals. (Information from CUDL)
Minutes fragment, some from legal documents, but too little remains. AA
Record of a debt of 88 dinars to be repaid in seven yearly installments from Kislev 1335 to Adar 1342/1023-1031. (Information from Goitein index cards)
List of contributors and payments in which some entries comprise both a name and a sum, whereas others have names only. (Information from Goitein index cards)
Probably prognostications or explanations regarding the calendar, mentioning the months Aviv and Nissan. CUDL
Letter fragment (lower right corner of recto). The postscript and margin are written in larger letters and lighter ink. Contains the phrases "[May God] guide the perplexity"; greetings to various people; "I met with ... may God prolong his life ... al-Shaykh Abi ... and all who met with him..." ASE.
Recto: legal document, dated 1543 of the Seleucid Era (1232 CE), mentioning Elʿazar and Moses ha-Sar. Verso: Arabic jottings. (Information from CUDL)
Letter fragment (first three lines and part of address). The addressee is a Kohen and may be named [Abu] Musa Harun b. 'Imran. The writer is named Ibrahim al[...]. With the partial names and the distinctive handwriting, the writer should be identifiable. ASE.
Letter fragment from Yeḥiel b. Elyaqim. In Hebrew.
Letter fragment (lower right corner of recto, upper right corner of verso) . Very few words remain. ASE.