31745 records found
Recto: Historiographical work mentioning a conversation between `Abd al-Malik b. Marwan (646-705; the fifth caliph of the dynasty of the Umayyads) and his great general al-Hajjaj ben Yusuf Verso: Poetic verses. There are three widely interspersed vertical lines belonging to a Fatimid document written above the poems (FGP)
Promissory note. In Arabic script. Fragment (right side only). Mufaḍḍal declares that he owes a sum of money to Ṭāhir al-Naḥḥās b. M[...] and specifies the payment schedule.
Legal document recording the receipt by a woman of the inheritance due to her from the administrator of intestate succession in Tinnīs. Dated: 10 Rabīʿ II 508 AH, which is 1114 CE.
Document(s) in Arabic script. Possibly legal or having to do with fiscal accounting. Mentions sums of money and "government lands" (al-arāḍī al-sulṭāniyya). Receipt for produce or tax payments (ḥaḍara wa-tasallama...)? Needs further examination.
Accounts (including lists of names, numbers and other information)
Letter fragment. Mainly in Arabic script, with one word in Hebrew script. May mention Bilbays. Refers to "the knowledge of medicine" and perhaps a youth who is both physician and astrologer (shābb ṭabīb munajjim). The sender orders acacia (aqāqiya) and mentions condensed walnut juice (rubb al-jawz) and the pressing of something. (Information in part from CUDL.)
Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals.
Draft of a contract, probably. In Arabic script. Concerning the sale of a shop (dukkān). Verso also contains some jottings, several signatures and dates as well as a sum of dirhams, evidently related to recto. (Information in part from Baker/Polliack catalog.) Needs further examination.
unidentified text. Contains Coptic numerals - needs examination.
Arabic poetry and/or sayings. Includes "ليس المقام بدار الذل من شيمي ولا معاشرة الأنذال من هممي," which can also be found in T-S Ar.30.134 and BL OR 5565G.40 + T-S NS 224.170.
End of a legal document in Arabic script, with multiple signatures. Needs examination for content.
Receipt relating to the tax farm of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb written by Yūḥannā b. Mīkhāʾīl on behalf of his father Mīkhāʾīl b. ʿAbd al-Masīḥ, the cashier, and registered by the Office of Accounts on behalf of the Office of Supervision: Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb has paid the sum of two and a half (dirhams?) for the estates in Al-Fayyūm, under the supervision of the judge Ṯiqat al-Mulk Makīn al-Dawla wa-Amīnuhā, of the protégé of the commander of the faithful Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAlī b. Bahār, the judge Ṣafī al-Dawla ʿAbd Al-Majīd b. Ḥasan (agent of the office of inspections) and the elder accountant Sadīd al-Dawla Abū l-Faraj ʿAbd al-Masīḥ b. Qūrīl. Dated: 27 Ṣafar 405 AH, which is August 1014 CE. (Information from CUDL)
Arabic text (possibly a draft of a letter), overwritten with some Hebrew jottings- needs examination. (FGP)
Beginning of a document or letter mentioning a sultan and ahl al`afaf - needs examination. (FGP)
Possibly an account and some jottings
Part of a letter or document - needs examination.
Leaf 1: Arabic list of names (possibly part of an account) and some jottings Leaf 2: Recto: Judaeo Arabic list of purchases and expenses (including honey) and some jottings (possibly in a childs hand) Verso: Part of an Arabic letter mentioning Abu sa`i d. Leaf 3: Recto: Arabic signatures Verso: Blurred text (possibly a draft) of an Arabic letter (FGP)
Account containing numbers arranged in three vertical columns (FGP)
End of a letter - needs examination.