31745 records found
Letter from Shelomo b. Eliyyahu to the ra’is (leader) concerning commercial matters, in particular an issue regarding the price of a small scale (mizan saghir) that was purchased, and a note about silk. Abu Fadl is mentioned. EMS
Letter to Ezra, Head of the Academy.
Awaiting description - see Goitein's index card.
Legal document recording the sale of a Nubian female slave by Hiba Nataniel, under the authority of Moshe ha-Talmid; contains the idiomatic phrase אלכאמל אלשרוט: ‘the totality of the stipulations.’ (Phillip Ackerman-Lieberman, “Legal Writing in Medieval Cairo,” in From a Sacred Source: Genizah Studies in Honour of Professor Stefan C. Reif,” ed. Ben Outhwaite and Siam Bhayro, Brill: 2010, 23) EMS
Transfer of amounts of dinars made for a loan or partnership (qirḍ) in front of witnesses. Signed by Yusuf b. Faraj al-Fasi and Dawud b. Nahum, who signs twice. (Information from Goitein’s index cards) EMS
Legal document concerning business matters, particularly the price of wax (thaman al-sham’), and citing various sums of money. Abu Yaqub Yusuf al-Fasi, Ibn Ishaq al-Andalusi, al-Farah b. Ishaq al-Muqaddas, and Yusuf b. ‘Ali are all mentioned. EMS
Declaration in front of witnesses in which Ḥalfon b. Moshe states that he sold some property and acquitted the sellers from the sales price.
Letter to Mevasser b. Shelomo. EMS
Legal document concerning Yosef’s repayment of a debt. Witnessed by Ibn Abu al-Fadl and Jafar b. Hilal. EMS
Legal document relating to the return of half of the dowry of a woman.
Part of a late legal document, c. 16th-17th century, from Egypt, concerning a property (אלקצר, ‘hall, ground-floor building’) in the quarter סוליימאן כ[א.]שה. The principal parties are Moses Abulafia (אבו אל[ע]אפיא), Jacob מטראטיל and Aaron Berav (בירב). The date is not preserved. (Information from CUDL)
Bill of testimony concerning the will of Abu al-Faraj b. Hillel. EMS
End of a legal document from Egypt, dated 5337 (= 1577 CE), signed by Joseph b. (בכמה״ר) Moses Dammuhi (דמוהי). (Information from CUDL)
Fragment from a legal document signed by Shemuʾel. (Information from CUDL)
Sales contract of the Persian slave-girl called 'Perfume' for ten and a half dinars including brokerage and sales tax. Written in the hand of Mevorakh b. Natan (1150-1181).
Deed of sale for a female slave between Bu al-‘Izz b. al-Shaykh bu ‘Imran al-Sharabi and Bu al-Ḥasan, the teacher, executed in the presence of Bu al-Fadl al-Radwi. Dated Iyyar 127 of the Seleucid Era (= 1216 CE). A few lines of unrelated jotting are below. EMS
A qiyyum (approval of a legal deed) signed by [Moshe Sofer] b. Yiṣḥaq Ḥaver and Eli Ḥaver b. Amram and others.
Legal document concerning money owed by Avraham ha-Levi to Meshullam (EMS). Likely also a join with T-S 8J4.10. Joins by Oded Zinger.
Legal fragment (lower right corner). Dating: ca. 14th–16th centuries, based on handwriting. A previous description referred to this as a deed of sale, but there is no information preserved about the case. Signed by Menaḥem b. Avraham (probably the scribe) and Hārūn Kohen.
Inventory of the Sarcocolla (‘anzarut), a medicinal resin, in the possession of Abu al-Khayr Sedeqa, recording the numbers of ratls that have been taken out and how many remain. Signed by Yakin b. Ḥalfon and Nahum b. Hiba. EMS