31745 records found
Letter addressed to the amir Muḥammad b. [...]. In Arabic script. Dating: Probably Ottoman-era. Needs further examination.
List of clothes, covers and other fabric items and names of sellers. For a similar list, possibly in the same hand of a market official, see T-S Ar.42.209 See Rabie, Finan Syst Egypt, p.102 - needs examination. (FGP)
Document Includes several signatures - needs examination.
Poetic expressions, possibly part of a drafted letter - needs examination. (FGP)
Letter in Arabic script. Chancery-esque hand, wide space between the lines. A learner has copied every line in the space between the lines (cf. a similar example in Rustow, Lost Archive, p. 222). Refers to some dignitary in whom "we (=the Jews?) and the Muslims have great benefit" (ولنا وللمسلمين به نفع كبير). Needs further examination.
Possibly part of a letter or jotted note - needs examination.
Letter that begins in Arabic script and transitions to Judaeo-Arabic (right margin and verso). It begins, "After I wrote the Hebrew letter..." (بعد ما كتبت الكتاب العبراني). It mentions the heqdesh (الهقداش), ʿAkka, and 200 dinars. On verso the addressee is asked to greet Rabbenu Menaḥem (spelled מנחים) and ask him if he has managed to sell the sūsiyya and the two golden qaṣabas(?). If he has not sold the qaṣabas, he should send them with Khuḍayr (the bearer). AA. ASE.
Account including list of names and jottings, some of which are crossed out - needs examination. (FGP)
Account including list of names and numerical figures, some of which are crossed out (FGP)
letter in Arabic script. The first word is כתאבי in Hebrew script. Also on top of the page ב, mentioning Jews. Recto also contains marginalia in Judeao-Arabic - needs examination.
Recto, with address on verso: Letter in Arabic script addressed to al-muʿallim Yehuda KR[...]. Verso and margins of recto: Business letter in Judaeo-Arabic, involving the sale of a house. Dating: Probably Mamluk-era. Needs further examination.
Recto: Letter or short document Verso: Beginning of a letter - needs examination.
Letter fragment in Arabic script. 6 lines preserved from the middle. The sender says things are going well and mentions something about a yellow 'ḥujra' and then the color red. He asks for a vessel of violet (burniyya banafsaj), a little bit of قربشية(?), and cheese.
Letter in Arabic script. Dating: Perhaps Mamluk-era based on format. Opens with greetings to various people including Umm Muḥammad and 'al-ḥājja al-dādā'(?). In the margin mentions "a little bit of bread." Verso is blank.
Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Lists names.
Recto: Bible in Hebrew language, Arabic script (Arabo-Hebrew). Bible: Michah 6:6 – 8; Hosea 6:6; Proverbs 21:3. On verso there are Hebrew jottings from Jeremiah 17:7, Arabic and Hebrew marginalia, and a drawing of interlacing circles.
Letter from Muḥammad Jāwīsh(?). In Arabic script. Dating: Ottoman era. Asking the addressee (al-ʿāmil bi-Miṣr al-Qadīma?) to return the burda(?) that he took from ʿAṭiyya and asking the amir to send approximately 20 heads of sheep (ghanam).
Letter from Abū l-ʿIzz to a certain Talmid. In Arabic script. Best wishes for the holiday. Tells him not to listen to Abū l-ʿAlā, who said that he would follow ʿImrān and agreed to go to Damietta on the writer's behalf, but he never fulfills his word. The addressee is asked to 'enter' (Damietta? Fustat?) for a time, until somebody else can be found to monitor the writer's affairs. Also mentions Ashmūm and the son of Abū Sahl.
Letter or petition in Arabic script. Deaing with financial matters.
Bifolium from a larger work in Arabic script. Unidentified. Possibly a collection of poetic texts or letters