31745 records found
Accounts, probably. In Arabic script and possibly Greek/Coptic numerals. There are also pen trials or writing exercises of the Hebrew alphabet on verso.
Accounts, probably. In Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals.
Order. In Arabic script. Abū l-Faraj is asked to send something with the bearer. Ends with a ḥamdala. AA. ASE.
Report or petition. The ends of 5 lines are preserved. Twice mentions the Berbers (البربر) who are in the area of Abshīsh (ابشيش) in the Delta. Also mentions "the villages of the laborers" (ḍiyāʿ al-ʿāmilīn). On verso there are pen trials in Hebrew (perhaps by a scribe who drew up ketubbot).
Recto: Fragments and/or copies of documents in both Arabic script and Hebrew script. The Hebrew-script text may be in the hand of Ḥillel b. ʿEli? Abū l-Faḍl leases his house to somebody. The names Yefet b. Moshe ha-Zaqen and Netanel b. Moshe ha-Zaqen appear. On the other side there are pen (and ink) trials.
Tax receipt. Fatimid-era. Short. Granted to a certain Yūsuf. Amounts and date and scribe are not immediately clear. Needs further examination.
Document in Arabic script. There are narrow vertical blocks of text on both sides. May be a state or official document. Large numbers such as 700 are mentioned (or possibly this is a date?). Needs examination.
Business accounts, very faded. AA
Fragment with several text blocks in Arabic script, at different angles. There is also Hebrew literary text. Unclear what the Arabic is; needs examination.
Document in Arabic script. May be a state or official document of some kind. Needs examination.
Tax receipt. Fatimid-era. In Arabic script. Granted to Bū Saʿd Ibrāhīm. The sum is 7.5 (written at lower left), and half of that is 3.75 (written at lower right). The sum of 7.5 is also written on verso in Judaeo-Arabic. The name of the scribe appears at the bottom. It is not immediately clear if there is a date. Needs further examination.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. The hand may be known. Dating: 11th or 12th century.
Document in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Needs examination.
Late. Business accounts.
Jottings including accounts
Letter(s) in Arabic script. One side may be the original letter or report and the other side may be the response. Both sides have the glyph. One side: al-mamlūk al-aṣghar yuqabbil al-arḍ wa-yunhī annahu kāna... The other side: [...] furqat al-akh wa-ʿalimtu... Needs further examination.
Official document of some sort. In Arabic script. Needs examination.
Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Listing amounts owed by various people (e.g., Yaʿqūb, Waliyy al-Dawla).
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic, Hebrew, and possibly another language. Late. The name Yosef al-Rumi appears at upper left. Currencies include גרושוש, פצה, and ראייל.
Business accounts in Arabic script and eastern Arabic numerals. Probably late.