31745 records found
Part of a document in Arabic and jottings of Biblical verse written in a childish hand.
Business accounts
Business accounts
Jottings of business accounts
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Late.
Tax receipt. From the archive of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb. Join: Alan Elbaum.
Official report to an amīr who is addressed with many titles (al-muʾayyad al-manṣūr al-amīr Shihāb al-Dīn ʿumdat al-dawla etc.). The sender reports that he arrived in Dhū [...] and met with the secretary al-Makīn... Abū l-ʿIzz, who said that he intended to travel to the 'victorious' army encampment (al-mukhayyam al-manṣūr). The sender asks for the addressee's instructions, and whether he has sent the ships for the shipment of colocasia (qulqās). (The word qalʿa/fortress also seems to appear here, and ḥaml can mean "campaign" as well as "shipment"; needs further study.) Reused on recto for Hebrew writing exercises with Tiberian vocalisation.
Part of a document - needs examination.
Accounts in Arabic script. Several names are mentioned. Dating: Mentions the end of Ramadān 556 AH = 1161 CE.
Beginning of a document of sale - needs examination.
Fragment from a Babylonian ketubah. No further information is available. AA
Part of a document - needs examination.
Part of a document - needs examination.
Parts of documents - needs examination.
Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Many names listed.
Fragment from the end of a ketuba. Signed by Moshe b. Sai'd, Yeshua b. Mevur[akh], Aharon b. [...]. AA
A small strip from a ketuba. The groom's name is Fetahya. Remnants from the divorce clause is visible. On verso few words from a beginning of a legal deed. AA
List of commodities and amounts, all are crossed out - needs examination.
Recto: Document of sale Verso: Jottings - needs examination.
Probably a court ledger. In Hebrew. Late. Contains several entries, including one for an engagement (shiddukhin).