31745 records found
Fragment of a legal document under the authority of Avraham Maimonides (1205-1237). Dated 1546/1234-35.
Awaiting description - see Goitein notes and index card linked below.
Record of writ of release.
Fragmentary court record, apparently settling or recording accounts between partners.Drafted in Fustat, dated Tammuz 1404/July 1093.
Legal document concerning debts, mentioning [...] b. Ḥayya ha-Kohen and Abū [...] b. Shemuʾel. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe, and dated 1438 of the Seleucid Era (= 1127 CE). (Information from CUDL)
Legal documents in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Recto: betrothal deed between [...] b. ʿEli (known as Ibn Ḥunayn) and the daughter of Ṭahor. Verso: legal document concerning a house. (Information from CUDL)
Fragmentary legal record drafted in Fustat and including an incomplete date (Sivan 14..). Dated to the 11th-12th century.
Declaration given on request stating that someone had been under tarsim (house arrest) for a period of time. Written in Fustat. The end is complete, but the main part is missing at the top.
End of a legal document in Hebrew, drawn up in Egypt in the year 13..)? (Seleucid Era).
Fragments, gifts on deathbed of two houses to his daughter al-'Atiqa by a representative of the merchants, Yekutiel
Bill of divorce between Kulla bat Yefet and Ṣedaqa (?) [...]. Written in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe and signed by Isaac b. Shemuʾel ha-Sefardi and Ḥalfon b. Menashshe on recto and (attesting the delivery) on verso (partly embellished). (Information from CUDL)
Legal document in Hebrew. Dating: 1517 CE(?). Stating that 93 peraḥim (ducat equivalents) of the coinage of the Sultan Selim which were destined for the Yeshiva in Jerusalem were given to another Yeshiva. (Information from Goitein's index cards)
Yosef the cantor, son of Michael, sells a little house in Fustat, one half of which belonged to him and the other to his daughter, the wife of the beadle Hiba b. Ibrahim the water carrier, for 6 dinars. Dated 1153.
Power of attorney, written in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. (Information from CUDL)
Fragment of the beginning of a deathbed declaration, issued by a court whose judges were appointed by Moshe b. Mevorakh (1112-ca.1126) and Mevorakh b. Saadya (1099-1111) in Fustat.
Legal document concerning a gift, probably between ha-Sar Nathaniel Rosh ha-Qehillot and his wife Sitt Milāḥ. Written in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. (Information from CUDL)
Letter to Abu al-Faraj Nissim b. 'Ayyash from an unidentified sender in Alexandria concerning the payment of 43 dirhams. Reference is made to a woman who should stay with the addressee. Various other people are also mentioned in the body of the letter and in the greetings.
Recto: Letter addressed to Shelomo b. Yehuda, the gaon of the Palestinian yeshiva. Dating: 1025–51 CE. This is a fragment containing 12 lines from the beginning of the letter. In the margins of recto and on verso, there is also a will concerning gold for a man's daughter.
Margins of recto and verso: Will, presumably a draft, concerning gold for a man's daughter Karīma. Mentions various other family members, such as her maternal aunt, her sister, Khalaf, Yūsuf b. Yiṣḥaq, and her maternal uncle Manṣūr. A sum of 6 dinars is mentioned in line 9. Several names appear at the bottom of the document, but these appear to be the scribe's notes rather than actual signatures: Sulaymān b. Saʿīd; Avraham b. ʿAlī; Munā bt. Ismāʿīl; the maternal uncle Avraham b. Zudaybilāt(?); the paternal uncle Mūsā b. ʿUqayb al-Mastī(?).
Letter concerning the delivery of a consignment of peas by a slave-agent, which is to be paid for in sal-ammoniac rather than money, and instructions to send sal-ammoniac, garlic, and candles with a third party named Abd al-Wali.