31745 records found
Accounts in Arabic script, might be fiscal. Needs examination.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic, Arabic script, and Greek/Coptic numerals.
Recto: Business memorandum in Arabic script. Verso: Likely a receipt of some kind.
Accounts in Arabic script. Many names are mentioned. Dated: 6[..] AH = 1203–1300 CE.
Letter in Arabic script. Faded and damaged. Mentions Sayyidnā. Needs examination for content.
Accounts in Arabic script.
Business accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Probably 11th century. The hand may be known.
Recto: Acknowledgement of the payment of rent. Dated: 3 Rabīʿ I 607 AH, which is 25 August 1210 CE. Aḥmad b. al-Shaykh ʿAlī Ibn al-Akhḍar has received all the rent due to him from al-Muzbid Abū l-Khayr, the physician, to . The document is written, witnessed and signed by ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz b. Harūn. (Information from CUDL and Khan.)
End of a letter to a dignitary. In Arabic script. On the other side there is a legal document (see separate record). Needs further examination. (Information from CUDL)
Account in Arabic script. State/fiscal?
Account in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. The name Abū Saʿd appears twice, and underneath there are many numbers.
Accounts in Arabic script. Mentions 'al-madīna al-sharīfa' at least once.
Receipt for the capitation tax of [...] b. Khalaf the Jew in Fustat for the year 507 AH = 1113/14 CE. Payment: 1/2 dinar. Written on the 7th of Muḥarram (unclear if 507 or 508).
Recto: Pen trials in Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic, including a draft of letter text to 'the dear brother' mentioning Alexandria. Verso: Grocery list or account in Judaeo-Arabic, listing various foods and numbers. Items include flour, cheese, eggplant, lemon, basil, orzo (shaʿīriyya), bread, fish, chickens, watermelon, pepper, mulūkhiyya, and radish. Dating: Late, probably Mamluk or early Ottoman era.
Legal document. Fragment (left side). In Arabic script. The name Muḥammad appears in line 2 and the profession al-Ṣayrafī appears in line 3. Line 4 may give the date. Mentions a sum (mablagh) of something. Needs further examination.
Various jottings in Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic script including ad raft of a legal declaration (aqūl wa-anā...) in Judaeo-Arabic, made by [...]r ha-Kohen b. Eliyyahu [... b.] Yeḥezqel ha-Rav ha-Gadol.
List in Arabic script mentioning people (Abū Muḥammad, Dāʾūd, al-shaykh) and also 'the bathhouse and chickens" (ḥammām wa-farārīj).
Receipt for the capitation tax of Eliyya b. [...] in New Cairo and Fustat for the year 631 AH = 1233/34 CE.
Unidentified document in Arabic script. Damaged and faded. Legal?
Receipt for the capitation tax of Khalaf b. Ghālib the Jew, a druggist (ʿaṭṭār) and something else (jabbān? jazzār?) in Fustat for the year 504 AH (or 540?).