31745 records found
Legal document (iqrār) in Arabic script. Needs examination.
State document? In Arabic script, chancery hand. ورجع الى ديواني ال. . . . . على جميع التوقيع....
Letter or petition in Arabic script.
Accounts in Arabic script.
Accounts in Arabic script. Also jottings on verso.
Recto: List of ingredients (or commercial goods?) with their weights. In Arabic script. Information from Baker/Polliack catalog. Verso: A few more lines in Arabic script.
Letter in Arabic script from Abū ʿAlī(?) Yefet(?) b. Avraham Ibn al-Amshāṭī. Mentions going to Abū ʿAlī b. al-Dimyāṭī (=Yeḥezqel b. Netanel ha-Levi) and borrowing money. Only the beginning is preserved. ASE
Legal testimony in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Before 1146 CE. Abū ʿAlī(?) Yefet(?) b. Avraham ha-Zaqen Ibn al-Amshāṭī testifies that the letter is his letter and written in his hand. He further testifies that he has received from Abū ʿAlī Yeḥezqel b. Netanel ha-Levi (d. before 1146) all of the [...]. Also mentions Ibrāhīm al-Kohen al-Siqillī. ASE
Document in Arabic script. Possibly legal (ashhadanī...) but it is quite small and seems informally written. Needs examination.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic, Arabic script, and Greek/Coptic numerals. Mentions items such as jars, grapes, raw sugar (qand), water, kishk, "help for Ṭayyib," something for Isḥāq
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Late. Mentions 'the Turk' (אלתוגרמי).
Official-looking receipt in Arabic script, unclear for what. Needs examination.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and Coptic(?) numerals.
Recto: Medical recipe. Ingredients include senna, plums, tamarind and scammony. Verso: Note mentioning Abū l-Surūr, written on 18th of Tishrīn al-Awwal (October) 1594 CE (سنة اربع وتسعون وخمسمائة والف). (Information in part from CUDL.)
Note in Arabic script. The addressee al-Muʿallim [...] is to give to the bearer a specified sum of silver. Dated, but the year is difficult to read. The name Isḥāq al-M[...] appears at the bottom. Needs examination.
Recto: Document in Arabic script. Only the beginnings of eight lines are preserved. Mentions names like Abū Muḥammad ʿAbdallāh and Abū Ṭālib ʿUmar(?) b. al-Ḥasan(?), which makes it seem like a legal document.
Accounts in Arabic script and Coptic(?) numerals.
Occult text in Arabic script. Mentions the jinns, the shayāṭīn, al-waswās al-khannās (from Quran 114:4).
Upper part of a letter addressed to Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAlī b. Ḥasan al-ʿAsqalānī, in Fustat. In Arabic script. Dating: Probably 11th or early 12th century. Probably a business letter. The upper margin of recto mentions that "there is a man from Damascus with Abū Saʿīd" and again mentions "to Damascus" in the final line. Needs further examination.
Accounts in Arabic script, unclear if state/fiscal or private. Needs examination.