31745 records found
Recto: A few words remaining from an Arabic text. Verso: Malachi 3.
Letter, small fragment from the opening, mostly formulaic.
Pharmacological text including various recipes for drugs mostly based on vegetable ingredients and aimed at curing the digestive system. A page from an Arabic literary work on medical recipes. The first full recipe begins with three dirhams of murda-sang (litharge).
Probably accounts in Judaeo-Arabic, quite faded.
Recto (secondary use): Brief accounts in Judaeo-Arabic mentioning Bū l-Isḥāq b. al-Amshāṭī, Ibn al-Dihqān, Abū l-Ḥasan b. Rawwād, and Ibn al-Muṭrib.
Verso (original use): Bottom of an official letter in Arabic, possibly a petition ("...wa-lahā ḥarasa Allāh ʿizzahā..."). Ends with ḥamdala, ṣalwala, ḥasbala.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic, in more than one hand. Late? Mentions Ibrāhīmiyya as a type of currency.
Accounts listing 72 names with (low) Greek/Coptic numerals. In Arabic script, with an occasional name written in Hebrew script. Most of the names are Jewish. Many Dujājī, ʿŪdī, Kohen, 3x Menaḥem, al-Rashīd, al-Muʿallim Sulaymān, al-Muʿallim Ibrāhīm, but also Mūsā al-Rāhib (Christian) and Muḥammad Khalīfa (Muslim). Goitein speculates that since all religions & classes of people (including a physician, al-ḥakīm) are represented, this may be the account of a butcher. (Information from Goitein’s index card)
List of transportation expenses by Nahray b. Nissim, around 1045. Includes details about different types of payment for transporting goods from Fustat to Alexandria and loading them onto the ships. Several ships are known from Ibn Awkal’s accounts. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 2, #270) VMR
Formulary for a love spell (ʿazīma) in Judaeo-Arabic.
Bifolium filled with Judaeo-Arabic poetry. There is some earlier text from Psalms.
Bifolium from a halakhic treatise.
List of transportation expenses by Nahray b. Nissim, around 1045. Includes details about shipment from Fustat to the ship in Alexandria. Similar to T-S Arabic 30.123, this time the shipment is of varnish. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 2, #271) VMR
Account in Judaeo-Arabic.
List of sums owed to or by a teacher, including 2.5 dirhams per weeks for teaching a son or orphan. (Information from Goitein's index cards) EMS
Mostly Arabic with some Judaeo-Arabic. Drafts of literary text, either philosophical or poetic or both.
Recto: Prayer in Judaeo-Arabic. Verso: Extremely faded text, probably in Judaeo-Arabic.
Drafts of piyyutim.
A magical spell (ʿazīma).
Leaf 1: In Hebrew characters, the beginning of the same poem by al-Waʿīẓī/al-Baghīḍī (ليس المقام بدار الذل من شيمي) that appears in BL OR 5565G.40 + T-S NS 224.170. The fragment then continues in Arabic characters and may be the beginning of a letter to "wālidī." Leaf 2, at 180 degrees, contains an account in Judaeo-Arabic and some pen trials. ASE.