31745 records found
Accounts in Arabic script.
Fragment of a petition in Arabic script. The petitioners complain to the authorities that a certain person is corrupting their religious status quo (niẓām) and preventing them from fulfilling their religious duties (al-iqāma bi-mūjibāt sharīʿatihim) and from their gatherings. Includes a marāḥim formula (wa-hum yasʾalū min al-marāḥim al-hamīma wa-l-ʿawāṭif al-[...]).
Document in Arabic script, reused for dense jottings in both Hebrew and Arabic script. Needs examination.
Recto: Document in Arabic script. Verso: A different document in Arabic script. Needs examination.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic.
Document in Arabic script, probably legal, probably late. The date is given but is difficult to read. There are several different blocks of texts.
Recipes in Judaeo-Arabic attributed to Sayyidnā Dā'ūd al-Faqīh, possibly alchemical. Needs examination.
Recipes in Arabic script. On verso there is also a piyyut. Needs examination.
Document in Arabic script, probably accounts, probably late.
Bifolium with jottings in Hebrew script in a late hand. Part of one page contains some accounts (naming ʿAmmī Avraham, R.Moshe, Sasson, Mordekhai, al-Yahūdi).
Document in Arabic script, probably accounts.
Love poetry in Hebrew with one verse in Judaeo-Arabic on verso.
Recto: Booklist in Arabic script listing individual Epistles (of the Brethren of Purity) that have been copied and bound and into how many majallāt and karārīs, including risālat al-ʿadad, risālat al-akhlāq, al-ārā' wa-l-madhāhib, and al-ṭarīq ilā Allāh. Verso: Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. ASE.
Letter fragment to 'rabbenu'. In Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions 200 dinars, a wālī and the land of al-Muʿaẓẓam (Turanshah?). Needs further examination.
Bifolium. One folio is a Judaeo-Arabic translation of Exodus 21:1-17, 27:20-28. The other folio is magical instructions in Arabic script. The first few lines of the first page read, "The figure of a person with two wings, and in his hand is [...], and under his leg is a snake, and behind the seal (?). . . . Repeat the prayer/incantation and the incense(?) many times. . . ." There is a small diagram possibly containing an epsilon and a delta. There are astrological references as well (al-kawākib, al-saʿd).The first line of verso mentions "the female gods and the male," the third line mentions the knowledge of all the angels, and the lower part of the page might contain a recipe for incense involving chrysanthemum (zahr al-uqḥuwān). This page is the last of the treatise. Needs further examination. (FGP describes this as "Arabic letter on ritual slaughter.") ASE.
Maimonides’ epitome of Galen’s περὶ τῶν πεπονθότων τόπων (De locis affectis), from the second and third treatises, in Judaeo-Arabic, in Maimonides’ own hand. On the margin of P1 f.2v there is an example of Maimonides’ Arabic handwriting. (Information from CUDL)
Literary. Exegesis of Exodus 27:20 or Leviticus 24:2 (lehaʿalot ner tamid), discussing how a man lives on through his sons. Late hand, probably no earlier than 16th c.
Letter sent from Rashīd addressed to Shelomo Ḥalafta Yerushalmi, in Bulaq. In Judaeo-Arabic. Probably the same sender as ENA 2855.21. Dating: late 15th or early 16th century. Well-preserved. Needs examination for content.
Judaeo-Arabic literary work, discussing the daughters of Zelafhad.
Recto: Shemuʾel b. Ḥofni’s Judaeo-Arabic commentary on Deuteronomy 11:26f. Verso: Arabic jottings, possibly a maxim or poetry; the lower text block is a copy of the upper text block. (Information in part from CUDL)