31745 records found
Petition to the Fatimid caliph al-Musanṣir.
Legal document: testimony in the name of Shams al-Dīn Muḥammad. Four signatures, one in Kufic script (!)
Account, fiscal, probably Fatimid, with amounts listed in dinars and dirhams.
Receipt for tax dated 701 (1302)
Receipt for tax, possibly Mamluk
Petition (formula: al-mamlūk yuqabbil al-yad al-ʿāliya), 1106H (?)
Legal document: Bill of sale for property. 396(?) H. / early 11 century. Parchment ; 19 lines ; 65 x 185 mm. and 215 x 230 mm.. Some small holes and tears. (Lennart Sundelin via PUDL)
Legal document: Bill sale for property to Saqina ibn Yuḥannis by his sister. Buljusuq (Fayyum), early 5th cent. H. / 11th cent. Parchment ; 16 lines ; 205 x 200 mm. Holes. (Lennart Sundelin via PUDL)
Legal document: Bill of sale for property to Yuḥannis ibn Saqina. Buljusuq (Fayyum), late 4th cent. H. / 10th cent. Parchment ; 23 lines + 1 line in right margin and 1 in left margin ; 360 x 150 mm. Hole. (Lennart Sundelin via PUDL)
Legal document dealing with property sale, mentioning the name Saqina ibn Yuḥannis. Buljusuq (Fayyum), Rabīʻ al-Awwal 407 [Aug.-Sept. 1016]. Parchment ; 22 lines ; 360 x 235 mm. A few holes and tears.(Lennart Sundelin via PUDL) Partial transcription in box with manuscript.
Legal document: Bill of sale for property to Yuḥannis ibn Saqina and his wife. Buljusuq (Fayyum), Rajab 369 [Jan.-Feb. 980]. Parchment ; 16 lines ; 170 x 280 mm. Some smudging and a few small holes. (Lennart Sundelin via PUDL)
Bill of sale for property. Jumādá al-Ūlá 394 [Feb.-March 1004]. Parchment ; 16 lines ; 250 x 300 mm. Upper edges mutilated and several holes. (Lennart Sundelin via PUDL)
Legal deed (fragment) [12th century?], calligraphic, with wide line-spacing. Approximately 250 x 450 mm at the widest points. Gift of Robert Garrett, 2953. Many other texts written in different hands in the margins. Partial transcription enclosed in box with MS.
Possibly a tax receipt or an order of payment? Two endorsements, end of Dhū l-Qaʿda of the year 403 (?) 6x8 cm, verso blank
Receipt for payment of a tax farmer (dāmin, lines 2) in Fustat. The month of Ramadan al-Muʿaẓẓam of the year 701. Alama: al-ḥamdu lillāh sallama taslīman (?). Verso has a note about the shop (dukkān) of someone. 9 x 7 approximately
Letter (?), left half only, narrow folds like a letter, mentioning quantities of something and a certain Nūr al-Dīn, so maybe Ayyubid?
Fiscal register (?), mentioning a sum of 100 dirhams, folded vertically once then rolled and folded horizontally.
Letter mentioning real estate and rent in Cairo, the writer's son, qarārīṭ (carats). Folded once vertically then rolled and folded horizontally. Wormholes.
Report to an official, possibly early Ottoman
Legal document: acknowledgment (iqrār) in the name of Zayn al-Dīn Shaʿbān b. something, with two witnesses' signatures, late Mamluk or early Ottoman?