31745 records found
Deed of manumission of a slave, dated 591H. (?) [1194-5].
Testimony, deed of divorce, catalogued as Legal document concerning the marital status of the daughter of Sayf al-Dīn, dated 15 Dhū al-Ḥijjah 808 H. [1406]. Partial transcription in folder with manuscript.
Bill of divorce. Dated: Monday, 18 Adar 1365 Seleucid, which is 1054 CE. Location: Fustat. Husband: Yosef b. David. Wife: Khibā bt. Yosef. No witness signatures. Verso was not photographed.
Petition mentioning the names of Ismāʻīl and ʻUmar al-Kutāmī. [Described on the paper wrapper as: "Complainte contre un homme de la tribu de Kutawa [...] Fatimite" ; on a separate small piece of paper : " A complaint against a man from the tribe of Kutama (from the Fatimite period)"].
Certificate of manumission of a slave, dated 591H. (?) [1194-5]. [Described on a separate small piece of paper as: "letter from a noble man asking from another generousity and finishing his letter with poetry praising the bonifactor (bienfaiteur)" [Linked to item 26 (?)]. Oversize.
Described in PUDL catalogue as amulet containing prayers to God and the Prophet.
Decree of a Coptic official, dated 25 Baʾūnah (?) of the Coptic year 1392 (?).
Legal document, record of testimony (?)
Love poetry (3 lines), starting with: "amūtu wa-lā tadrī". [Described on the paper wrapper as: "Poeme d'un amoureux" ; on a separate small piece of paper: "poems of a lover"].
Item 26 : Letter of praise addressed to a benefactor in the hopes of some financial reward. Oversize.
Item 29 : Official document demanding the collection of funds. Oversize.
Amulet with magical script and numbers. [Described on the paper wrapper as : "Hegab en Madhrebin" ; on a separate small piece of paper: "a Ḥigab"; [next line] "Talisman in maghribian (?) inscription"]
Arabic document, different hand on verso.
Recto: Legal deed. Iqrār mentioning Aḥmad ibn ʻAbd Allāh, dated 500 H. (?) [1106]. Verso: Letter. Arabic script.
Cotton bag for amulet, with inscriptions in Arabic.
Recto: Legal document: iqrār. Verso: Legal record of testimony. Arabic script.
Legal deed: iqrār. Arabic script.
Scroll, textual amulet with figures. Oversize.