31745 records found
List of payments in the name of S[eñor] Yeshuʿa related to ownership or a lease for a house that is dated in the years [55]97AM–[5]600AM which encompasses 1836-1840CE. In line 11r the fragment clearly switches hands to a less orderly style yet the same form/content of recordkeeping continues. The verso is blank except for staining. MCD.
Account of calculations for Se[ñores] Pinto and Bibas on 27 Tevet 5566JC which is 17 January 1806CE. The calculations cover a wide array of coinage types such as "נמס קטעה / Austria coin" and the Ottoman gold "פנדוקלי / fındıklı". When this wide variation in coinage types is read in connection with the heading's opening words "עלם צאפי / purity notice" it seems that this document may have been issued by a money assayer. MCD.
Lists in Judaeo-Arabic that are designated by individual names such as Moshe Qanini, Sa'ad Qanini (recto), and Nissim al-Ḥāmī (verso). Based on the paleography and the latter's surname the fragment's dating can be estimated to the 18th or 19th centuries. Below each name there are entries with corresponding numbers such as "דוכאן / shop", "סופר / scribe", and "מסעי / letter carrier". The nature of these entries suggests that the numerical figures may be costs associated with each. MCD.
Lists in Judaeo-Arabic related to the household items and finances of Yiṣḥaq al-Yebdani[?] (recto) and Moshe Abzardil (verso). Based on the paleography and the latter's surname the fragment's dating can be estimated to the 18th or 19th centuries. The list related to Yebdani includes household items such as "פנגאן / coffee cup", "סכינה / knife", and "פנאר / lantern". The list related to Abzardil on the verso is more complex and appears to include more monetary calculations than the inventory-format of the recto. It is crucial to note that the l. 17v entry is dated according to Friday of the week of the Lecha-Lecha parsha reading (which is a format common in the JRL C Series for communal lists). It is unclear however, if this fragment too served a communal function or happened to rely on the same form of timekeeping. Date: 18th c or 19th c. MCD.
List related to the communal "chest / ארגז" of the Maghrebi community (here written as "מערבים" in the heading). The list's structure and paleography help to estimate its dating as 18th/19th-century. A wide array of names are listed along with corresponding monetary figures, such as: Barukh Meṣlīḥ, Yehuda Qudsī, Nissim Mosseri, Yosef Zeytūn, and many others. MCD.
Lists in Judeo-Arabic that mention a wide array of "ağa / אגה" official titleholders and are dated to 18 Safar 1243AH which is September 1827CE. For example, the heading furthest down on the verso mentions an individual by the name of Selim Ağa in connection with the commodity saffron. The coinage used in many entries is the silver kurush. MCD.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic dated as [Dhu] al-Qa'da 1013AH which is 1605CE. The date appears in the first line of the recto in a somewhat uncommon format that combines Hebrew alphanumerical figures and Hijri timekeeping: "אל קעדה ס[נת] יג ואלפ", but this format is confirmed further down on the recto by the Jewish calendar year [5]364JC. The accounting format is extremely complex and bears multiple layers of figures being crossed out and adjusted. The commodity "חריר / silk" is repeated on many occasions on the recto. MCD.
Ledger bifolium in Arabic dated on the recto's left heading as Rebi' II 1238AH which is 1822CE. The scribal hand is highly trained and the accounting format encompasses a wide array of distinct entries. MCD.
List in Judeo-Arabic from which only the bottom right corner of the page is portrayed in this fragment. The paleography helps to estimate the dating of this fragment as 18th/19th-century. There are two columns in eastern Arabic numerals alongside detailed entries each beginning with a day of the week. Like many of the other list fragments in JRL SERIES C the left may possibly represent the coinage kurush and the right could indicate "פצה". MCD.
List in Judaeo-Arabic of payments dated in the year 1207-1208AH which is 1792/93CE. Although the document itself is dated with the Hijri calendar the payments listed within it are designated according to months within the Jewish calendar. The transaction is between two individuals listed in the heading and note along the bottom, as Shelomo Siman[?] and Yaʿacov Zabriel[?]. MCD.
Accounts. In Judaeo-Arabic and eastern Arabic numerals. Dating: 18th or 19th century. There are also pen trials ("if speech is silver, silence is gold").
Account in Ladino that offers a wide array of financial entries and a detailed passage across the upper recto, which states: "לו] קי טייני קובראדו חברו חרא[?] אריפול]... / that which _first name_[?] Aripol has to receive" (l. 1r). The paleography aids in estimating the dating of this fragment as 18th/19th-century. It is unclear if this opening passage on funds owed is a heading for the list that follows, yet additional individuals are listed including: Moshe ʿĀgāzi[?] and Suleiman. The Hebrew term "חלק / share" is repeated throughout and the unit of weight "אוקאס / okas" also appears (l. 18r). MCD.
Letter draft or formulary in Judeo-Arabic that makes use of the common Hebrew abbreviation "אחדש׳׳ו" which appears at the opening of many early modern letters. Based on the paleography the dating can be estimated as 18th/19th-century. Because the passage is brief, it only mentions the common formula in which letter writers would initially discuss their most recent correspondence to each other. On both the recto and verso, there are calculations in eastern Arabic numerals which at times appear to be pen trials.
Lists in Judeo-Arabic of monetary contributions for children that were recorded in 5576 which is 1815/16CE. The contents of this shelfmark may be related to its neighboring fragment C 33, yet the structure of the list here is distinct in that there is more focus on the surnames of contributors, such as: Aghion, 'Akubas, Bilobos, Franses, and others. The monetary symbol for silver kurush appears throughout, but it is not clear that this is the only form of coinage in use given the mention of "פצה / silver" which often appears as a distinct denomination in other shelfmarks from the JRL C Series and elsewhere. MCD.
Lists in Judaeo-Arabic of food and possibly charity-related communal expenses in the year 5560JC which is 1799/1800CE. The lists mention a wide array of food items and "אל אולאד / the children", which is repeated frequently on the recto. The contents of the verso are in the same hand yet cover numerical calculations that taken together lack the helpful labels of the recto. MCD.
Lists Hebrew and Judeo-Arabic in which mostly western Arabic numerals are in use. The paleography and the mention of the Venetian ducat " (l. 6 upper right) help to date the fragment as 17th- or 18th-century. The lists are connected to a wide variety of topics, for example, in the upper left corner of the recto Purim is mentioned and then on the far right border the scribe notes in a brief entry "קבלתי ממשה / I received from Moshe". Given the miscellaneous aspects of their contents it is unclear whether these lists were drawn up for private or communal purposes. MCD.
Accounts that note "פצה / silver" and "bunduqi / ducats" as a monetary labels on the recto and that uses Hebrew alphanumerical characters throughout. On JRL SERIES C 45, the word "ווצול" is used (which denotes payment). Based on the paleography the dating may be 17th- or 18th-century. The join is probable but not certain. MCD.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic on a bifolium in which the name Yaʿacov Ventura is mentioned at least three times across the recto and verso. Based on the paleography the dating may be 17th-18th-century. The figures are expressed alphanumerically and the clearest heading on the recto states "ועלם אלדי אנצרפ פי אל שהר / notice of that which was expended this month". The expenses which appear below this specific heading are diverse, with mention of "דגאג / chicken", yet may ultimately point to the communal nature of these accounts with mention of the posts of "חזנים / hazzanim" and the beadles "סלמון שמש" and "אלכהן שמש". Date: 17th c or 18th c. MCD.
List of communal contributions received in the month of Adar I that dates to the late-18th or early-19th centuries, based on the names mentioned onr recto, paleography, and structure of other lists in JRL Series C. The list on the verso mentions "מצרופ / expenses" rather than "מקבוץ / received" which is the key term on the recto that indicates incoming rather than outgoing funds. Many names are listed on the recto, such as: Yitzhak Abu Harun, Eliahu Menashe, Aharon Simhon, and others. On the verso, the expesnses are indicated for example, with "חזן / hazzan" and "סופר / scribe". Therefore the latter numerical figures may indicate payments made to individuals who held these posts. MCD.
Account fragment in Arabic with figures expressed in eastern Arabic numerals. Based on the paleography the dating may be estimated as 16th-18th-century. The labeling of the accounts is in a disorderly hand yet, for example, on the verso the financial term "الباقي / the remainder" is visible. One notable distinction in the numerical system in use is that on the recto the Persianate symbol for "4 / ۴" appears. MCD.