31745 records found
Legal fragment. In Hebrew. Involves [Avra?]ham b. ʿAllān; six gold coins that had been deposited with someone; ʿAṭiyya ha-Sh[...]; Salmān. The signatures of Salmān and ʿAṭiyya appear on verso.
Small fragment from an unidentified document. Look like a draft. The name Abu al-Faraj is visible. The hand is very cursive. On verso pen trial in Hebrew and Arabic script. AA
Damaged fragment from a calendar. AA
Minute fragment from the bottom right of what looks like a letter signed by Elyaqim. AA
On recto funeral speech. On verso reference to the death of Nissim Shlomo Elgazi, on Monday, 25th Kislev 1761. Hebrew. AA
Fragmentary list of names with Coptic numerals. AA
Petition addressed to four brothers (?), the elders Abu al-Baqa, Abu al-Baha, Abu al-Faraj and Abu al-Karam, requesting charity. The supplicant, Harun, writes that he has not tasted bread in days and is emboldened to make his appeal because of the upcoming Jewish holiday. The name of one of the addressees, the shaykh Abu al-Karam, is written on the verso. The cipher at the top, in the small letters, probably is the abbreviation \'b-m\' for bism allah al-rahman al-rahim, found in other Geniza documents and in the Arabic fragments from Quseir al-Qadim published by Li Guo, Commerce, Culture and Community in a Red Sea Port in the Thirteenth Century: The Arabic Documents from Quseir; cf. M. Cohen, 'On the interplay of Arabic and Hebrew in Cairo Geniza Letters, in the R. P. Scheindlin Festschrift, note 19. Undated.
Strip from the right side of a letter, probably regarding business. Signed by Menashshe. AA
Promissory note ordering the delivery of fruit (including lemons, apples, and pomegranates) by the elder Abu al-Ḥasan to the bearer of the document. The verso contains seemingly unrelated jottings in Arabic script.
Rabbinic text.
Document in Arabic script.
Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew. Mentioning somebody's property and whether certain items pertain to the qodesh.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Mentioning various foodstuffs and natron.
Letter or legal query/responsum. Fragment. In Hebrew. Late. Concerning a theft or somebody accused of a theft.
Either a letter or a prayer. In Judaeo-Arabic. Bi-raḥmatika ʿalayhim. . . wa-ʿalā faḍlika al-ʿaẓīm. . .
Either a letter or a legal query. In Hebrew. Late. Describing the legal arrangements following somebody's death.
Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. Concerning business matters. Surrounded by later writing in Arabic script, some of which may be magical: min nār al-[...] bi-l-Ḥayy al-Qayyūm . . . But needs further examination.
Note addressed to al-Talmid al-Jalīl. In Judaeo-Arabic. The writer reports that exactly what a certain ḥaḍra knew would happen with Abū Saʿd and his divorcee has happened. Namely, Abū Saʿd had committed to paying his divorcee a certain sum of dirhams every week as maintenance payments. But now two weeks have passed, and he has not paid a penny. The addressee is to obtain the amount that Abū Saʿd owes for the last two weeks and to bring it with him. ASE.