31745 records found
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Letter in Arabic script. Only a few lines from near the beginning are preserved. Mentions "my paternal uncle Jibrīl." On verso there are jottings of accounts in Arabic script.
Literary text in Arabic script.
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Letter in Arabic script. The bottom 9 lines are preserved. Mentions Raḍiyy al-Dawla; sending things; possibly someone named ʿAbd al-Masīḥ; the intriguing line "Woe to the people of Aswān from [...]" (l. 4); and various greetings. Needs further examination.
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Medical prescription(s). In Arabic script. Numerous ingredients. On verso there are notes in Judaeo-Arabic and in Arabic script, apparently an additional recipe/prescription. The Judaeo-Arabic reads: "Another prescription, medium (mutawassiṭa), that will dry out your body, and do not do it [...]. ve-shalom." The four lines of Arabic script underneath may be the 2nd prescription.
Accounts in Arabic script. Dated: 1248 AH, which is 1832/33 CE.
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Legal document, probably. In Arabic script. Date: Late, perhaps Ottoman-era. Needs examination.
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