31745 records found
Letter or order addressed to [...] Quṭb al-Dīn. In Arabic script. Dating: Might be late, perhaps 14th century or later. The sender asks for a syrup of [...] violet, a paste of [...], and a paste of lavender. On verso there are accounts of some sort, also in Arabic script.
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Arabic tale? The words 'fi-s-safina' (in the ship) and 'al-miyah' (the waters) are legible. Another line was written at the bottom of this fragment upside down to the rest of the text. Another text has its imprint on this fragment. (Information from JRL catalogue.)
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Verso (original use): Bottom of a document in Arabic script, ending with a ḥamdala. Recto (secondary use): Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Mentions names such as Nāḥūm, Barakāt, Manṣūr al-Naṣrānī, and Maḥāsin al-Naṣrānī. Weights are listed underneath the names.