31745 records found
Fragment of a legal formulary.
An extremely faded document in Judaeo-Arabic.
A list of names in Judaeo-Arabic, possibly part of a letter. Mentions the cantor Abū l-Majd, al-Shaykh Abū Naṣr, [Saʿ?]īd and his sons, Abū l-Baqā', Abū l-Fakhr.
Recto: On the right is list of surnames known from the late Genizah period along with numbers: Bibas (spelled Pipas here), Alarcon, Hapis (?), Pinto, Qarun, Yuʿbaṣ, Agi. On the left is a list of materia medica with numbers, then a small illustration. Verso: Numbers and sums.
16 small fragments, most appear to be in Judaeo-Arabic, difficult to discern significance of any of them.
16 small fragments. Fol. 1 (1–2) + Fol. 4 (7–8): Letter in Judaeo-Arabic mentioning [...] al-Amshāṭī. Also mentions, "I have asked the bearer..."; and "until the arrival of Abū [...]." Fol. 2 (3–4) + Fol. 6 (11–12) + Fol. 7 (13–14) + Fol. 8 (15–16): Legal document in Judaeo-Arabic. Elegant, square handwriting. Mentions India twice, a Kohen, and partial names such as [May]mūn b. [...]. Fol. 2 and Fol. 6 join directly; it is not clear how the other two fragments are connected. Fol. 3 (5–6): Letter in Arabic script. Part of the address is preserved on verso. Likely a join with Fol. 5 (9–10).
Fragment of a late legal document.
Recto: Accounts, mentioning Moshe Kohen and listing amounts of money for the weeks of Shemot through Tetzaveh. One of the currencies used is the fonducli. Verso has jottings and the curious stamp: IACOBVS KVHNEN SPANISNADEL.
Late legal document in Hebrew regarding a partnership (one of the partners is named Faraj). It refers to the quppah of the synagogue of the Musta'ribim (קק מוסתערב).
Late legal document in Hebrew: Shemuel rents a property from Avraham for 4 months for the price of 115 "peraḥim" per month. Information from Avraham David's transcription on FGP.
Fragment of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Not a lot of content remains. Abū Isḥāq and Abū l-Bishr are mentioned.
Leviticus 25.
Small fragment in Judaeo-Arabic, probably from a medieval letter. Mentions a doctor.
Recto: Perhaps a letter? Very faded. Verso: A record of the amount of money (35 silver) turned over by Eliyyahu the rent-collector of [...] in ḥārat al-saqālibah for the month of Av in 1784 CE (5544). The name of the renter may be underneath: Moshe Refa'el Hayyim Efron (?).
Legal document in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Small fragment. No names preserved. Refers to a period of 12 months, an upcoming holiday, and something or things that 'fell on her this [...].'
Jottings in Judaeo-Arabic, probably accounts (e."Friday: 3").
Text in Ladino that is probably literary and often draws on Hebrew, for example on the verso: "מוי גראנדי פור קי נו איש דרך / muy grande por ke no es derekh" (l. 5v). In the first legible line of the verso the name "Yosef" is mentioned and the the first-person may be in use with "יו / yo". There is also discussion of escape on line 6v with "דישפואיש אישקאפה / despues escapa". MCD.
Fragment containing a few lines in Judaeo-Arabic, including the phrases "Yehuda the agent" and "on the date [...]"
The original document is a literary work in vocalized Hebrew. It appears that another paper was then pasted on top, and the first two lines of an Arabic letter remain (the basmala and "aṭāl allāh baqāhu").
8 fragments, most in Arabic script, significance unclear.