31745 records found
Petition, possibly. In Arabic script. The ends of 4 lines are preserved: على ايديهما منشور كريم يوفر فيه المملوك... تسلطهم... الوالي... Needs further examination.
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Table of women's names with additional notes. In Arabic script. Mentions Fāṭima (and underneath ḥurra—are the others slaves?); Sitt al-Bashr; and Sitt al-Karam. On verso the word ṭabbākha (cook) appears.
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Letter(s) in Arabic script. Addressed to 'our son Sulaymān' in 'al-Maḥrūsa' (Fustat/Cairo), Ḥārat al-Yahud. Dating: Late, probably 18th or 19th century. The last line of the first section seems to be a verse of poetry, probably referring to separation rather than to an actual dispute: "And when God's decree persists between me and you (pl.), I will die a stranger, wa-l-salāmu ʿalaykumū." The next section begins by addressing itself to 'our beloved daughter Sarah' and continues with wishes for her good health and informing her of the writers' good health and their yearning to see her. The letter is written in semi-colloquial Arabic. (Information in part from JRL Catalogue.)
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Informal note in Arabic script. Addressed to [...] Manṣūr. Contains the glyph. Dating: Perhaps 12th or 13th century. The sender gives various instructions, including not to depart before the two of them meet.
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