31745 records found
Damaged fragment with poetical Hebrew verses. Can be from a literary piece of an opening of a letter. 13th century hand. AA
Minute fragment from the end of a legal deed. AA
Minute fragment from a dowry list. Only few items survived, all are commonly found in dowry lists. It is impossible to say if this list was a part of a ketuba, or a list for itself. AA
Minute fragment from a list or account. Too damaged to decipher. AA
Minute fragment from a list. Only partial names survived. AA
On recto a late engagement deed. The groom .שבתי בכר ישועה the bride the daughter of David Mizrahi, from the year 1845. On verso a calendar. AA
Letter fragment from Shelomo b. Eliyyahu. In Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions the synagogue and Ibn al-Siqillī. Ends, "And God knows" (ואללה אלעאלם).
Accounts of a druggist, giving amounts of materia medica in the column on the right and prices on the left.
Prayer or poetry in Hebrew. Quotes Song of Songs 4:6.
Esther 2.
Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Very damaged.
Literary? Text in Judaeo-Arabic that lists the different stages of life ('at 20... 40... 50... 60... 70...').
Rabbinic literary work.
Deed of sale of a female slave. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Involves a woman named Sitt al-Kull and notably refers to Dār al-Dībāj (the "House of Brocade") in Cairo (cf. T-S Ar.42.174, an Arabic-script deed of sale for a female slave, also mentioning Dār al-Dībāj, but from at least 10 years earlier).
Minute fragment, probably from a Magical text. AA
Mi Kamokha for Shabbat Zakhor. Hebrew liturgical poem composed by Yehuda ha-Levi, in Judaeo-Arabic translation. Same work as Halper 282. Ownership note: Nissim רפון(?). Dated: 22 Adar I 5627 AM, which is 1867 CE.
Bible commentary. In Hebrew. Late. On 2 Samuel.