31745 records found
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Concerning the sale of a house. Dating: Probably 11th or 12th century. The address is damaged but clearly reads "to Miṣr." The name of the addressee may be [Abū l-A]frāḥ b. Yūsuf and the name of the sender Peraḥya b. David. Bu tthis is not clear. On verso there are also jottings in Judaeo-Arabic, perhaps accounts.
Small fragment with text in Hebrew. Probably literary.
Letter fragment addressed to Nagid ha-Gola. In Judaeo-Arabic. Almost nothing else remains.
List of names in Judaeo-Arabic. Hibat Allāh b. [...]; Mūsā Ibn al-Dhahabī; Abū Hilāl al-Suryāqūṣī (=from Syracuse).
Letter, possibly. In Hebrew. Describing trials and tribulations and mentions fugitives.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Apparently describing the situation of an ʿaguna (a woman abandoned by her husband without a divorce). "Their summoning to the court. . . " It seems she has also been deprived of access to her athāth (=qumāsh=dowry?) and any money with which to feed herself (tataqawwatu bihi).
Small fragment with text in Judaeo-Arabic. Probably a letter.
Small fragment with text in Hebrew. Very damaged. Looks literary.
Prescription or recipe. In Judaeo-Arabic. "Its benefits are similar to the benefits of wine (khamr)." On verso there are jottings in Judaeo-Arabic: "In sleep (or: a dream). . . ra's al-matība. . ."
Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. "Allāh Allāh. . . [My heart] was in the fire until [your letter] arrived. . . ."
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Likely 11th century. Mentions Abū Yaḥyā (=Nahray b. Nissim?).
Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. Dealing with business matters
Literary text in Hebrew. Arranged in columns.
Literary text in Hebrew.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Torn vertically, so only the beginnings of the lines are preserved. Mentions Bilbays. The writer is a scribe/copyist. Regards to: Abū l-Surūr and to Tif'eret ha-Kohanim Abū ʿ[...].
Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. Very damaged.
Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. Not much of the content remains.
Fragment with text in Judaeo-Arabic. Possibly magical: nār... ʿazīmatī... al-iqfāl.
Small fragment with some text in Judaeo-Arabic. Possibly late accounts.
Fragmentary court record concerning marital payments. In Judaeo-Arabic. On verso there is a literary text in Judaeo-Arabic, perhaps a tafsīr; cites Exodus 2:25 (line 4).