31745 records found
Legal fragment. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe.
Medico-philosophical riddle. "The proof that the pupil (thaqb al-ʿinabiyya) is filled with spirit (rūḥ): when a person dies, the e[y]es sink. This is the answer." The hand looks familiar, probably ca.1200.
Letter fragment. Addressed to Abū Saʿd, in Cairo. In Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions a girl who has been 'delivered for herself' (al-ṣabiyya mukhallaṣa li-nafsiha).
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic.
Bill of sale for a female slave, probably a draft. In Judaeo-Arabic. Al-Rayyis Abū Saʿd Seʿadya sells a Nubian female slave ([...]da) and her daughter (Shamīma?) and her son (Rayḥān?) to R. Eliyya b. Ṣadaqa known as Ibn Ḥiyya(?) for [...] dinars with 'ṣarf of 40.'
Accounts in Arabic script.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Late. Needs further examination.
Small fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. One side looks like a letter, the other like a legal document. Very little remains.
Legal fragment. Mentions someone with a lot of titles; Netan'el ha-Levi; signed by [...]r b. Hillel.
Legal fragment. Mentions Mevasser; Ibn al-ʿAni; Shemarya ha-Kohen.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic.
Informal note. In Hebrew. "Yiṣḥaq ha-Rav sent to your holy presence." There is nothing more.
needs examination. Image not available?
Legal fragment. Late. In Hebrew. Mentions Mardūk. There is an addendum in which Aharon agrees to all of the above.
Letter fragment addressed to the Nagid. In Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew. Regarding a very poor man. Mentions the word me'uḥar three lines from the bottom, which may refer to the delayed marriage payment. Perhaps the recommendee is trying to get out of paying it.
Letter fragment. In Judaeo-Arabic. Only a thin vertical sliver is preserved. Mentions Fustat (or Egypt) four lines from the end and Almeria three lines from the end. Also mentions David ha-Rav.
Legal fragment. In Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions the court of [the yeshiva of] Ge'on Yaʿaqov and a number of names, including Sitt al-Ahl, [...] b. Yehuda, Shelomo ha-Kohen, and Zakkay. Possibly in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe.
Literary text in Spanish.
Legal fragment. In Hebrew. A release. Dating: Late, based on the hand.
Legal fragment. Only a few words remain from the end of the document, and then 11 signatures. Location: מדינת נביל(?). Witnesses include: Ḥalfon ha-Kohen b. Shela; Yefet ha-Kohen b. Avr[aham]; Shelomo ha-Levi b. Yiṣḥaq; Yosef ha-Kohen b. Shela; Tamīm ha-Levi; and several more.